Dan Stowell


Audio and machine learning research, especially birdsong. Associate Professor of AI & Biodiversity

Liittynyt maaliskuu 2009


Olet estänyt käyttäjän @mclduk

Haluatko varmasti nähdä nämä twiitit? Twiittien näyttäminen ei poista käyttäjän @mclduk estoa.

  1. Kiinnitetty twiitti
    18. tammik. 2021

    Announcing a big move! I'm moving to the Netherlands, to become Associate Professor of AI & Biodiversity at & . I'm really excited to build something new with AI & biodiversity as the heart of it, and to work at TWO great places. Plus... the Netherlands!

  2. 4 tuntia sitten

    Another Brexit bonus: Christmas presents posted by my family arrive 1 month late, and ripped open by customs inspectors

  3. 17. tammik.

    This seminar is today, 15:30 CET. You can watch free online (register via the link)

  4. 15. tammik.
  5. uudelleentwiittasi
    15. tammik.

    Ridiculously, I've now tasted and rated 156 alcohol-free beers! Anyone on ? Here's my spreadsheet... or as PDF:

    Näytä tämä ketju
  6. uudelleentwiittasi
    15. tammik.

    I might have to start blocking all you people posting your wordle scores.

  7. uudelleentwiittasi
    14. tammik.

    Please RT if you would like me to consider standing against again, as an independent for one term only. As before, I would step aside if a better unity candidate emerges, or if & decide to fight each other & I would only further split the vote.

  8. uudelleentwiittasi
    13. tammik.

    Breaking news in your Dutch news from the cycle path 🔑🔓 … plus, oops 🍾😬

  9. uudelleentwiittasi
    13. tammik.

    This is the energy I wish all of academia would embrace right now.

  10. 12. tammik.

    /cc , and everyone whose friends make web apps / phone apps. BTW that's a nice list of people to follow :)

    Näytä tämä ketju
  11. 11. tammik.

    Call for coders: A Cloud App for Solar Panel Spotting!

    Näytä tämä ketju
  12. 11. tammik.

    I will be giving a lecture next Monday (17th Jan) at , Belgium, on "Deep models of animal listening tasks – tools for ethology and biodiversity"

  13. 9. tammik.

    My top tip for preparing for a PhD defence, will always be: go for a walk in the open air, just beforehand

  14. 5. tammik.

    Some great detail about how London is adapting to flood risk from rising sea levels. That first pic is right by where I used to live :)

  15. uudelleentwiittasi
    3. tammik.
    Vastauksena käyttäjille , ja
  16. 29. jouluk. 2021

    Some useful news about Linux in this video/podcast... Pipewire (for audio), well-supported in Fedora; some neat new hardware (Pinephone, Steam Deck); subtle improvements (gestures, window tiling); Pop!_OS...

  17. uudelleentwiittasi
    28. jouluk. 2021
  18. uudelleentwiittasi
    23. jouluk. 2021

    I'm so glad that I just mistyped a URL. The may have the best '404 Not Found' page ever...

  19. uudelleentwiittasi
    23. jouluk. 2021

    Glad to share our new paper on the in . In a joint project with & we collected more than 30k recs of flowers & found that bat flowers show a row of special acoustic traits. (1/5)

    Näytä tämä ketju
  20. uudelleentwiittasi
    22. jouluk. 2021

    ✨Special edition✨ Dutch news from the cycle path goes global. Thank you, see you 2022 ✌🏽 🚲🌎🚴🏾‍♂️🗺🚴🏽‍♀️🌎🚴🏼🌍🚲🤶🏼

    Näytä tämä ketju
  21. 20. jouluk. 2021

    Some flowers are pollinated by bats, & their shapes may have evolved to give clear echo "signatures" when the bat calls. We explored this by designing a neural net that can classify plants from the echoes. It works! Best with multiple echoes (bats often emit a sequence). (2/2)

    Näytä tämä ketju

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