Anna Gát  


Founded the Interintellect - global community & talent agency for intellectuals. I'm good at finding the smartest people in the world. More: .

London / Brussels / SF
Iscrizione a febbraio 2009


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  1. Tweet fissato
    3 gen

    If you're a new follower and interested in what I do, please read this (and respond to the polls if you feel like it) You can also get in touch with me via [email protected] with questions or comments. Let's do this!

  2. ha ritwittato
  3. ha ritwittato

    Remember this picture when you take more than you need.

    Mostra questa discussione
  4. 54 minuti fa

    Summarising the situation in the Interintellect like --

  5. ha ritwittato
    15 ore fa

    “The Hammer and the Dance” This is a very good summary of the best analysis and strategy I've seen so far on . Here's the strategy, in brief:

    Mostra questa discussione
  6. 1 ora fa

    Note there are a LOT of emergency lenience measures in the Catholic Catechism - from emergency christening for neonatal nurses to wartime Communion where there is no +1 gathering (see Matthew 18:20) so this would not be the first time the Church is flexible.

  7. 1 ora fa

    If people need to go to church in VR / on Zoom, but it "cannot substitute for the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist”, should Uber Eats help out delivering it?

  8. 1 ora fa

    I just love the forum so much 😍😍😍😍

  9. 2 ore fa

    On a normal day now I take as many phone calls as a 1994 Hollywood producer.

  10. 2 ore fa

    Forcing your startup employees to go into the office, taking super infected public transport, and then sit together the whole day, does not make you a badass founder genius who sees through the bandwagon and cuts the crap - it makes you a terrible human being.

  11. 2 ore fa

    Well, we wanted dark mode

  12. 2 ore fa

    Friend just told me their partner in London decided to work from home and is being attacked for it because all the colleagues still have to go into the office, and the boss orders pizza to celebrate their "bravery" and "loyalty" for coming in. cc

  13. 2 ore fa

    Lockdowns mean: -less cars -fewer opportunities to go for walks where you're too close to a friend -- let alone to the gym - less frequent and much less safe public transport - fewer people at night which makes streets less safe for women So... Get a bicycle. Now is the time.

  14. ha ritwittato
    2 ore fa

    We're in incredibly proud of fellow Amy McMillen who's releasing her first book soon!!! 🤗

  15. 2 ore fa

    Lockdown day 3. Observations. - I want to kiss every human standing 6+ feet from me in the supermarket - Weird stress signs like I put the vitamin c powder in my coffee, spilled a vaseful of water, burnt my finger - things I never do - Brussels dog-owners no longer pick up 💩

  16. ha ritwittato
    4 ore fa

    Is someone you know not persuaded that a fierce isolation policy (“suppression”) is right for now? This superb article—“The Hammer and the Dance”—makes the case better than anything else out there.

  17. 2 ore fa

    Brussels, pharmacy. Just to be clear.

  18. ha ritwittato
    3 ore fa

    ITS MY BDAY TODAY 🥳 MY BDAY WISH: plz help me sponsor meals for stanford hospital 🖤🥼 Bkfast for 10: $60 Lunch for 10: $100 Details below, if you don’t want to deal with logistics just venmo me () & I will send over to Thank u 🙏🏽

  19. 3 ore fa
  20. ha ritwittato
    19 mar

    When this is over, what say we all pitch in and buy health care workers, couriers, hauliers, farmers, millers, grocers, bakers, sewage workers, power workers, teachers, fire fighters and police officers a bottle of something?

  21. 4 ore fa

    I have just learnt that in Zürich they're handing out chocolate to you while you're queuing in front of the supermarket and I am so emotional right now.


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