WP Job Manager


O WP Job Manager é plugin de vagas de emprego leve para adicionar o recurso de lista de vagas em seu site WordPress. Sendo baseado em shortcodes, pode funcionar com qualquer tema (dado um pouco estilo em CSS) e é muito simples de configurar.


  • Adicione, gerencie e categorize anúncios de emprego usando a familiar interface do WordPress.
  • Anúncios de emprego pesquisáveis e filtráveis (usando ajax) adicionados às suas páginas através de shotcodes.
  • Formulários no front-end para que visitantes e usuários cadastrados possam enviar e gerenciar anúncios de emprego.
  • Permita aos anunciantes visualizar seus anúncios antes que sejam publicados. A prévia coincide com a aparência de um anúncio de emprego real.
  • Cada anúncio pode ser vinculado a um endereço de email ou website para que os candidatos possam se candidatar às vagas de emprego.
  • Pesquisas também exibem links RSS para permitir que os candidatos sejam alertados sobre novos postos de trabalho correspondentes à sua pesquisa.
  • Permite aos empregadores logados visualizar, editar, marcar como preenchidos ou excluir seus anúncios de emprego ativos.
  • Developer friendly code – Custom Post Types, endpoints & template files.

O plugin vem com vários shortcodes a mostra as vagas em diversos formatos de exibição, e já que é construído com tipos de post personalizados, você fica livre para estendê-lo ainda mais através de temas.

Leia mais sobre o WP Job Manager.


A documentação para o plugin essencial e complementos pode ser encontrada neste site de documentação. Dê uma olhada antes de solicitar ajuda porque abrange todas as perguntas frequente!


O plugin essencial do WP Job Manager é grátis e sempre será. Abrange todas os recursos que consideramos ‘essenciais’ num site de vagas de emprego simples.

Recursos avançados adicionais estão disponíveis através de Complementos. Não só eles ampliam a utilidade do plugin gratuito, como também ajudam a financiar o desenvolvimento e o suporte do mesmo.

Você pode verificar o complementos disponíveis após a instalação do plugin, indo para Anúncios de emprego > Complementos. Nossos complementos populares incluem:

Envio de Currículos

Permita que os visitantes se candidatem a vagas de emprego utilizando um formulário, e aos empregadores exibir e gerenciar as candidaturas em seu painel de vagas.

Anúncios pagos via WooCommerce

Recurso de anúncios pagos através do WooCommerce. Crie pacotes de vagas personalizados que podem ser comprados ou trocados durante o envio das vagas. Requer o plugin WooCommerce.

Gerenciador de currículo

Gerenciador de currículo é um plugin construído em cima do WP Job Manager que adiciona um formulário de envio de currículo no seu site e anúncios de currículos, tudo gerenciável pelo painel do WordPress.

Alertas de vaga

Permite que usuários cadastrados salvar suas buscas de emprego e criar alertas que enviam os novos postos de trabalho via email diário, semanal ou quinzenal.

Pacote de complementos essenciais

Você pode obter os Complementos acima e vários outros com desconto em nosso Pacote de complementos essenciais. Dê uma olhada!

Contribuindo e relatando erros

Você pode contribuir com o código deste plugin via GitHub: https://github.com/Automattic/WP-Job-Manager e localizações através do site https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/wp-job-manager

Agradecemos a todos os nossos colaboradores.


Use os fóruns do WordPress.org para um suporte comunitário, onde tentamos ajudar todos os usuários. Se você detectar um erro, você pode informá-lo (ou corrigi-lo) no Github, onde podemos agir de forma mais eficiente.

Se você precisar de ajuda com um dos nossos Complementos, crie um ticket em nosso help desk.

Se você quiser ajuda com uma personalização, considere contratar um desenvolvedor! http://jobs.wordpress.net/ é um bom lugar para começar.

Unit Testing

The plugin contains all the files needed for running tests.
Developers who would like to run the existing tests or add their tests to the test suite and execute them will have to follow these steps:
1. cd into the plugin directory.
2. Run the install script(you will need to have wget installed) – bash tests/bin/install-wp-tests.sh <db-name> <db-user> <db-pass> <db-host> <wp-version>.
3. Run the plugin tests – phpunit

The install script installs a copy of WordPress in the /tmp directory along with the WordPress unit testing tools.
It then creates a database based on the parameters passed to it.

Imagens de tela

  • O formulário de envio de vaga.
  • Prévia do envio de vaga.
  • Um único de trabalho individual.
  • Painel de vagas.
  • Anúncios de vagas e filtros.
  • Anúncios de vaga no painel.


Instalação automática

Instalação automática é a opção mais fácil, já que o WordPress manipula as transferências de arquivo e você nem precisa sair de seu navegador da web. Para fazer uma instalação automática, faça login no seu painel do WordPress, navegue até o menu Plugins e clique na opção “Adicionar novo”.

No campo de busca digite “WP Job Manager” e clique em “Pesquisar plugins”. Depois de encontrar o plugin, você pode exibir os detalhes sobre o mesmo, como a data de lançamento, classificação e descrição. Mais importante ainda, é claro, você pode instalá-lo clicando em Instalar agora.

Instalação manual

O método de instalação manual envolve baixar o plugin e enviá-lo para seu servidor web através do se aplicativo de FTP favorito.

  • Baixe o arquivo do plugin para o seu computador e descompacte-o
  • Usando um programa de FTP, ou seu painel de controle de hospedagem, faça upload da pasta do plugin descompactado para o diretório wp-content/plugins/ de sua instalação do WordPress.
  • Ative o plugin no menu Plugins dentro do Painel do WordPress.

Primeiros passos

Uma vez instalado:

  1. Crie uma página chamada “Vagas” e dentro dela coloque o shortcode [jobs]. Isto irá listar suas vagas.
  2. Crie uma página chamada “Enviar vaga” e dentro dela coloque o shortcode [submit_job_form] se quiser envios de vagas no front-end.
  3. Crie uma página chamada “Painel de vagas” e dentro dela coloque o shortcode [job_dashboard] para que os usuários logados gerenciem seus anúncios.

Observações ao usar shortcodes, se o conteúdo parecer desconfigurado ou mal desenhado, edite sua página e acima o visual editor clique na aba ‘Texto’. Então remova quaisquer tags ‘pre’ ou ‘code’ envolvendo o seu shortcode.

Para obter mais informações, leia a documentação.


Como faço para configurar o WP Job Manager?

Veja os guias de instalação e configuração para dar os primeiros passos ao usar o plugin. Na maioria dos casos basta adicionar alguns shortcodes às suas páginas!

Posso usar o WP Job Manager sem o envio de vagas no front-end?

Sim! Se você não configurar o shortcode [submit_job_form], você só poderá enviar vagas a partir do painel do WordPress no back-end.

Como posso personalizar o processo de candidatura da vaga?

Existem várias maneiras de personalizar o processo de candidatura de emprego no WP Job Manager, incluindo o uso de alguns plugins extra (alguns são gratuitos no WordPress.org).

Veja: Personalizando o processo de candidatura

Como posso personalizar o formulário de envio de vaga?

Existem três maneiras para personalizar os campos no WP Job Manager;

  1. Para alterações simples de texto, usando um arquivo de tradução ou um plugin como o https://br.wordpress.org/plugins/say-what/
  2. Para modificar campos, ou adicionar novos campos, usando funções/filtros dentro do arquivo functions.php do seu tema: https://wpjobmanager.com/document/editing-job-submission-fields/
  3. Use plugins de terceiros como o https://plugins.smyl.es/wp-job-manager-field-editor/, que tem uma interface do usuário para a edição dos campos.

Se você quer aprender sobre filtros de WordPress, aqui é um ótimo lugar para começar: https://pippinsplugins.com/a-quick-introduction-to-using-filters/

Como posso receber notificações de novas vagas de emprego por e-mail?

Se você deseja ser notificado sobre as novas publicações em seu site, você pode usar um plugin como o Post Status Notifier.

Quais arquivos de idioma estão disponíveis?

Você pode ver (e contribuir) com traduções através do site translate.wordpress.org.


17 de setembro de 2021
I limit package to 1 listing, but still you can add as many as you want. Pay once and get unlimited listings.......... what is the point to limit...
23 de junho de 2021
In meinem Beispiel ist es so, dass sich die Seiten (Menüs) für Jobvergabe, Job Dashboard und Stellenangebote nicht mehr ändern lassen. Eine Anfrage beim Support ergab, dass die nur bereit sind zu helfen, wenn man zuvor etwas bei denen gekauft hat. ----------------------------------------- In my example, it is so that the pages (menus) for job assignment, job dashboard and job offers can no longer be changed. A request to support revealed that they are only willing to help if you have previously purchased something from them.
6 de maio de 2021
I have been using this plugin for a number of years after it was part of a theme, paid for the pro version but now using the free version. There is no support whatsoever. The developers don't care what is does or doesn't spit out, or guide you to solutions to keep your SEO up to date. Just look at the support forums, endless of unanswered questions. For this it gets a one star
16 de abril de 2021
CONS: - Getting extensions have to be paid, instead of being integrated with the plugin - Documentation is poorly written. - Getting help from support is poor, as they can't give an accurate answer most of the time. - There are options to define the permalink to be used for job category, jobs, company etc. but they aren't even used at all! PROS: - Simple plugin with simple, easy to remember shortcodes.
4 de março de 2021
this is a truely great plugin, You can used it for many purposes. It works great right out of the box, but is very easy to customize to suit your needs. my current use-case: I’m using this plugin to manage a small job-site: And i have to say: I love this plugin. There are many plugins and add-ons that you can add - so youre able to extend the use-scenarios. And if it comes to support: it is so awesome to see that all is documented so well and good: The developer have written a nice documentation. I also love the code-snippets that extend the plugin so nicely! You can do so much with this plugin: if you need to customize it towards your special use-case: just look at the documentation (and again have a look at the snippet library it is so great) Read those instructions - they are written so well, people. There’s a lot of detail there and this can be a fairly complex plugin. Alltogehter i have to say: it’s super well documented! Amazing job: i love this plugin,
Leia todas as 217 avaliações

Registro de alterações


  • Enhancement: Add agreement checkbox to job submission.
  • Fix: Remove unnecessary filter avoiding warning in WP 5.8.
  • Fix: Fix padding on “Apply for job” button.


  • Change: On new installs, do not enable account registration on job submission page by default.
  • Fix: Company name color contrast. (@DaWoblefet)
  • Fix: Fix issue when Select2 isn’t used on the job submission form. (@tripflex)


  • Change: Bumped minimum WordPress version to 5.4.
  • Change: Listings now expire (by default) at the end of the expiration date.
  • Change: Job listing expiration checks uses the WordPress time zone.
  • Change: All dates are now presented using the WordPress time zone.
  • Change: Transitioned from LESS to SCSS for CSS generation. May effect final CSS generation and should be tested with theme.
  • Fix: jQuery UI CSS 404s when jQuery Migrate plugin is installed.
  • Fix: Pagination on job dashboard page when actions are completed.
  • Fix: Application Email/URL field will give more actionable validation errors.
  • Fix: Action job_manager_job_submitted fired when outside of standard submission flow.
  • Fix: job_manager_select2_filters_args pollution on frontend. (@tripflex)
  • Fix: is_wpjm_page returns true if none are defined. (@ibndawood)
  • Fix: Missing variable error with cached widgets.
  • Tweak: reCAPTCHA setting has more clear language. (@tripflex)
  • Dev: Added filter submit_job_form_create_account_role for user role when created on job submission. (@tripflex)
  • Dev: Added filter job_manager_should_run_shortcode_action_handler for if a job dashboard action should run.
  • Dev: Added filter job_manager_get_form_action to modify the action of a frontend form. (@tripflex)


  • Fix: Jobs list not appearing in the page load while using Firefox.


  • Fix: Harden security of job dashboard actions. Reported by Slavco.
  • Updated template: job-dashboard.php.


  • Fix: Hide filled listings in WordPress 5.5 sitemaps.
  • Fix: Issue with editing a job after getting to a preview step for another job.
  • Fix: Remove query args from paginate_links urls. (@JuanchoPestana)
  • Change: Add download button for custom file fields in the admin.
  • Dev: Add a filter to enable external file blocking (job_manager_submit_job_reject_external_files).
  • Dev: Update select2 to 4.0.13.
  • Updated template: job-submit.php with change to the Create A New Job link URL.


  • Enhancement: New filter to skip validation for application field.
  • Enhancement: New method for clearing fields.
  • Fix: Improve TwentyTwenty theme compatibility (@JuanchoPestana)
  • Fix: Issue in RSS feed with empty query parameters.
  • Fix: Issue on Jobs page with empty query parameters.
  • Fix: Conflict with search query parameters on Jobs page.
  • Fix: Ensuring hidden jobs do not display in RSS feed.
  • Fix: Image validation when posting a job.
  • Fix: JS error in file upload.
  • Fix: Removed extra whitespace in textarea settings fields.
  • Fix: Several untranslatable strings are now translatable.
  • Fix: CC header in emails.
  • Fix: Search category query sanitization.
  • Fix: Remove PHP notices. (@truongwp)


  • Templates Updated: job-submitted.php, job-dashboard.php.
  • Enhancement: Email notifications are sent separately if multiple recipients are listed.
  • Enhancement: Notices at end of job submission process are now displayed as a styled notice. (@DaveParkerRKD)
  • Fix: Resuming job listing submission at a particular step is now fixed.
  • Fix: Issue with some permalink structures and WPMU would cause issues on [jobs] page.
  • Dev: Adds the ability to block some jobs from being edited in the frontend.
  • Dev: Adds ability to force some email notifications to be enabled.
  • Dev: Allows email notifications to be sent immediately.
  • Dev: Adds ability for settings to reference other settings tabs.
  • Dev: Standardizes jQuery UI datepicker script IDs in frontend and backend. Plugins and themes should enqueue wp-job-manager-datepicker if they need jQuery UI datepicker.


  • Templates Updated: content-job_listing.php, job-submitted.php.
  • Enhancement: Add support for pre-selecting categories in [jobs] using category slugs in query string (e.g. /jobs?search_category=developer,pm,senior).
  • Change: Job listing now supports author functionality, which will expose the author field in the REST API.
  • Change: Menu position is fixed in WP admin. Plugins such as Resumes and Applications will need to be updated to show in WP admin below WPJM. (@technerdlove)
  • Change: Filter form on [jobs] resets on page refresh and uses query string as expected.
  • Change: No longer required to generate usernames from email for password field. (@manzoorwanijk)
  • Change: Use minified version of remote jQuery UI CSS. (@ovidiul)
  • Change: Google Maps link uses https.
  • Fix: Clear the filled flag when relisting a job listing.
  • Fix: Page titles are properly set during initial set up. (@JuanchoPestana)
  • Fix: Correctly format list of file extensions when an unsupported file type is uploaded.
  • Fix: Latitude and longitude are correctly used in content-job_listing.php template. (@MarieComet)
  • Fix: Delete widget options on plugin uninstall. (@JuanchoPestana)
  • Fix: Remove unused parameter in job-submitted.php template. (@JuanchoPestana)
  • Third Party: Fix issue with saving attachments when using Download Attachments plugin.
  • Third Party: Fix issue with Polylang where translations get overwritten on save of another language.
  • Dev: Adds the ability to completely disable the state saving functionality of [jobs] results.
  • Dev: Allows custom calls to get_job_listings() to just get ids and id=>parent. (@manzoorwanijk)
  • Dev: Switched to short-array syntax across plugin.
  • Dev: Updated jquery-fileupload library to 10.2.0.
  • Dev: Updated select2 library to 4.0.10.


  • Fix: Issue where a JS error could occur when submitting a job.


  • Note: WP Job Manager now requires a minimum PHP version of 5.6.20.
  • Fix: Javascript error in job-submission.js on custom job description fields.
  • Fix: Checking typeof undefined should be in quotes in job_submission.js.
  • Fix: Plugin activation issue that didn’t set up roles correctly.
  • Fix: Escaped HTML issue in expiring jobs email notice.
  • Change: Added additional unslashing and sanitization of input variables from forms.
  • Change: Limited direct database access within the plugin and migrated to WordPress core functions when possible.
  • Removed: Transient garbage collection. WordPress 4.9 and up handle this automatically.


  • Fix: Upgrade jquery-fileupload to v9.32.0.
  • Fix: Set frame origin on pages where shortcodes are embedded.


  • Fix: Issue with [jobs] filter form on some themes and plugins.


  • Fix: reCAPTCHA is checked when saving draft job listings.
  • Fix: Fix for fatal error encountered when importing jobs with WP All Import.
  • Fix: Maximum file upload limit is now not set for multiple file upload fields.
  • Fix: Theme compatibility fix when job listings are shown outside of the [jobs] shortcode.
  • Fix: Custom rich text fields no longer have their HTML tags removed.


  • Enhancement: Allow registered users to save drafts of job listings to be continued later from job dashboard.
  • Enhancement: Allow access to job listing fields in REST API.
  • Enhancement: Required job categories and job description fields are now checked before submit on frontend job submission form.
  • Enhancement: Optimized database query in WP admin job listings page.
  • Enhancement: Added submit button on job filter template for [jobs] shortcode to improve accessibility.
  • Enhancement: Added option to show company logo on Featured Jobs widget.
  • Enhancement: [jobs] filter form values are kept during a session and results cached when clicking on job listing.
  • Enhancement: Reintroduce change from 1.32.0 where job types can be preselected in [jobs] shortcode with ?search_job_type=term-slug. (@felipeelia)
  • Fix: Embedded videos are no longer removed from job descriptions.
  • Fix: Company logo showing outside of box on job listing page.
  • Dev: Limit the number of files per multi-file upload field by passing file_limit to the field in the submit_job_form_fields filter.
  • Dev: Added field type class to fieldset on job submission fields. (@tripflex)
  • Deprecation: Removed unreleased REST API implementation hidden under WPJM_REST_API_ENABLED constant.
  • Deprecation: Added warning for upcoming minimum PHP version requirement of 5.6.20.
  • Usage Tracking: Track source of job submission (frontend vs WP admin) to better understand how jobs are entered.
  • Usage Tracking: Track official extension license events and activation to better compare types of usage between users and catch activation errors.


  • Fix: Issue where a JS error could occur when submitting a job.


  • Fix: Escape tooltip text in WordPress admin. (Props hd7exploit)
  • Fix: Escape user display names on author selector while editing job listings. (Props hd7exploit)


  • Fix: Issue saving job types for job listings in WordPress admin after WordPress 5.1 update.
  • Fix: Add nonce checks on edit/submit forms for logged in users. Will require updates to templates/job-preview.php if overridden in theme. (Props to foobar7)
  • Fix: Escape JSON encoded strings.
  • Fix: Add additional sanitization for file attachment fields.


  • Fix: Adds compatibility with PHP 7.3
  • Fix: Restores original site search functionality.


  • Enhancement: Switched from Chosen to Select2 for enhanced dropdown handling and better mobile support. May require theme update.
  • Enhancement: Draft and unsubmitted job listings now appear in [job_dashboard], allowing users to complete their submission.
  • Enhancement: [REVERTED IN 1.32.1] Filled and expired positions are now hidden from WordPress search. (@felipeelia)
  • Enhancement: Adds additional support for the new block editor. Restricted to classic block for compatibility with frontend editor.
  • Enhancement: Job types can be preselected in [jobs] shortcode with ?search_job_type=term-slug. (@felipeelia)
  • Enhancement: Author selection in WP admin now uses a searchable dropdown.
  • Enhancement: Setup wizard is accessed with a flash message instead of an automatic redirect upon activation.
  • Enhancement: When using supported themes, job listing archive slug can be changed in Permalink settings.
  • Fix: Company tagline alignment issue with company name. (@0xDELS)
  • Fix: “Load Previous Listings” link unnecessarily shows up on [jobs] shortcode. (@tonytettinger)
  • Fix: Category selector fixed in the job listings page in WP Admin. (@AmandaJBell)
  • Fix: Issue with quote encoding on Apply for Job email link.
  • Fix: Link target attributes have been removed in templates.
  • Dev: Allow for job submission flow to be interrupted using before argument on form steps.
  • Dev: HTML allowed in custom company field labels. (@tripflex)
  • Dev: Job feed slug name can be customized with the job_manager_job_feed_name filter.
  • Deprecated: Unreleased REST API implementation using WPJM_REST_API_ENABLED was replaced with standard WP REST API.


  • Fix: Escape the attachment URL. (Props to karimeo)
  • Fix: Custom job field priority fix when using decimals. (@tripflex)
  • Fix: Fix issue with empty mutli-select in WP admin jobs page. (@felipeelia)
  • Fix: Issue with data export when email doesn’t have any job listings.
  • Third Party: Improved WPML support. (@vukvukovich)


  • Fix: Adds missing quote from WP admin taxonomy fields. (@redpik)


  • Enhancement: Add option to show company logo in Recent Jobs widget. (@RajeebTheGreat)
  • Enhancement: Suggest additional cookie information on Privacy Policy page.
  • Enhancement: Add WPJM related meta data to user data extract.
  • Fix: Tightened the security of the plugin with additional string escaping.
  • Fix: Issue with map link in admin backend. (@RajeebTheGreat)
  • Fix: No longer auto-expire job listings in Draft status.
  • Fix: Issue with undefined index error in WP admin. (@albionselimaj)
  • Fix: Issue with duplicate usernames preventing submission of job listings. (@timothyjensen)
  • Dev: Widespread code formatting cleanup throughout the plugin.


  • Change: Minimum WordPress version is now 4.7.0.
  • Enhancement: Add email notifications with initial support for new jobs, updated jobs, and expiring listings.
  • Enhancement: For GDPR, scrub WPJM data from database on uninstall if option is enabled.
  • Enhancement: Filter by Filled and Featured status in WP admin.
  • Enhancement: Simplify the display of application URLs.
  • Enhancement: When using WPML, prevent changes to page options when on a non-default language. (@vukvukovich)
  • Enhancement: Include company logo in structured data. (@RajeebTheGreat)
  • Enhancement: Use more efficient jQuery selectors in scripts. (@RajeebTheGreat)
  • Enhancement: Use proper <h2> tag in content-summary-job_listing.php template for the job title. (@abdullah1908)
  • Enhancement: Hide empty categories on [job] filter.
  • Fix: Update calls to get_terms() to use the new format.
  • Fix: Maintain the current tab when saving settings in WP Admin.
  • Fix: Enqueue the date picker CSS when used on the front-end.
  • Fix: Remove errors when widget instance was created without setting defaults.
  • REST API Pre-release: Add support for job category taxonomy endpoints.
  • Dev: Add $job_id parameter to job_manager_job_dashboard_do_action_{$action} action hook. (@jonasvogel)
  • Dev: Add support for hidden WPJM settings in WP Admin.


  • Enhancement: Show notice when user is using an older version of WordPress.
  • Enhancement: Hide unnecessary view mode in WP Admin’s Job Listings page. (@RajeebTheGreat)
  • Enhancement: Add support for the paged parameter in the RSS feed. (@RajeebTheGreat)
  • Fix: Minor PHP 7.2 compatibility fixes.
  • Dev: Allow parent attribute to be passed to job_manager_dropdown_categories(). (@RajeebTheGreat)


  • Fix: Minor issue with a strict standard error being displayed on some instances.


  • Enhancement: Adds ability to have a reCAPTCHA field to check if job listing author is human.
  • Enhancement: Allows for option to make edits to job listings force listing back into pending approval status.
  • Enhancement: Adds spinner and disables form when user submits job listing.
  • Enhancement: Update the add-ons page of the plugin.
  • Enhancement: Added the ability to sort jobs randomly on the Featured Jobs Widget.
  • Enhancement: Improved handling of alternative date formats when editing job expiration field in WP admin.
  • Enhancement: Added star indicator next to featured listings on [job_dashboard].
  • Enhancement: Opt-in to usage tracking so we can better improve the plugin.
  • Enhancement: Introduced new asset enqueuing strategy that will be turned on in 1.32.0. Requires plugin and theme updates. (Dev notes: https://github.com/Automattic/WP-Job-Manager/pull/1354)
  • Fix: Use WordPress core checks for image formats to not confuse docx as an image. (@tripflex)
  • Fix: Issue with [jobs] shortcode when categories argument is provided.
  • Fix: Issue with double encoding HTML entities in custom text area fields.
  • Fix: Updates job-dashboard.php template with colspan fix on no active listings message.
  • Fix: Clear job listings cache when deleting a user and their job listings.
  • Dev: Adds is_wpjm() and related functions to test if we’re on a WPJM related page.
  • Dev: Adds job_manager_user_edit_job_listing action that fires after a user edits a job listing.
  • Dev: Adds job_manager_enable_job_archive_page filter to enable job archive page.
  • Dev: Adds date field for custom job listing form fields.


  • Fix: When retrieving job listing results, cache only the post results and not all of WP_Query (props slavco)


  • Fix: PHP Notice when sanitizing multiple inputs (bug in 1.29.1 release). (@albionselimaj)


  • Enhancement: When retrieving listings in [jobs] shortcode, setting orderby to rand_featured will still place featured listings at the top.
  • Enhancement: Scroll to show application details when clicking on “Apply for Job” button.
  • Change: Updates account-signin.php template to warn users email will be confirmed only if that is enabled.
  • Fix: Sanitize URLs and emails differently on the application method job listing field.
  • Fix: Remove PHP notice in Featured Jobs widget. (@himanshuahuja96)
  • Fix: String fix for consistent spelling of “license” when appearing in strings. (@garrett-eclipse)
  • Fix: Issue with paid add-on licenses not showing up when some third-party plugins were installed.
  • Dev: Runs new actions (job_manager_recent_jobs_widget_before and job_manager_recent_jobs_widget_after) inside Recent Jobs widget.
  • Dev: Change wpjm_get_the_job_types() to return an empty array when job types are disabled.
  • See all: https://github.com/Automattic/WP-Job-Manager/milestone/15?closed=1


  • Enhancement: Moves license and update management for official add-ons to the core plugin.
  • Enhancement: Update language for setup wizard with more clear descriptions.
  • Fix: Prevent duplicate attachments to job listing posts for non-image media. (@tripflex)
  • Fix: PHP error on registration form due to missing placeholder text.
  • Fix: Apply the_job_application_method filter even when no default is available. (@turtlepod)
  • Fix: Properly reset category selector on [jobs] shortcode.


  • Enhancement: Improves support for Google Job Search by adding JobPosting structured data.
  • Enhancement: Adds ability for job types to be mapped to an employment type as defined for Google Job Search.
  • Enhancement: Requests search engines no longer index expired and filled job listings.
  • Enhancement: Improves support with third-party sitemap generation in Jetpack, Yoast SEO, and All in One SEO.
  • Enhancement: Updated descriptions and help text on settings page.
  • Enhancement: Lower cache expiration times across plugin and limit use of autoloaded cache transients.
  • Fix: Localization issue with WPML in the [jobs] shortcode.
  • Fix: Show job listings’ published date in localized format.
  • Fix: Job submission form allows users to select multiple job types when they go back a step.
  • Fix: Some themes that overloaded functions would break in previous release.
  • Dev: Adds versions to template files so it is easier to tell when they are updated.
  • Dev: Adds a new wpjm_notify_new_user action that allows you to override default behavior.
  • Dev: Early version of REST API is bundled but disabled by default. Requires PHP 5.3+ and WPJM_REST_API_ENABLED constant must be set to true. Do not use in production; endpoints may change. (@pkg)


  • Enhancement: Admins can now allow users to specify an account password when posting their first job listing.
  • Enhancement: Pending job listing counts are now cached for improved WP Admin performance. (@tripflex)
  • Enhancement: Allows users to override permalink slugs in WP Admin’s Permalink Settings screen.
  • Enhancement: Allows admins to perform bulk updating of jobs as filled/not filled.
  • Enhancement: Adds job listing status CSS classes on single job listings.
  • Enhancement: Adds wpjm_the_job_title filter for inserting non-escaped HTML alongside job titles in templates.
  • Enhancement: Allows admins to filter by post_status in [jobs] shortcode.
  • Enhancement: Allows accessing settings tab from hash in URL. (@tripflex)
  • Fix: Make sure cron jobs for checking/cleaning expired listings are always in place.
  • Fix: Better handling of multiple job types. (@spencerfinnell)
  • Fix: Issue with deleting company logos from job listings submission form.
  • Fix: Warning thrown on job submission form when user not logged in. (@piersb)
  • Fix: Issue with WPML not syncing some meta fields.
  • Fix: Better handling of AJAX upload errors. (@tripflex)
  • Fix: Remove job posting cookies on logout.
  • Fix: Expiration date can be cleared if default job duration option is empty. (@spencerfinnell)
  • Fix: Issue with Safari and expiration datepicker.


  • Fix: Prevents use of Ajax file upload endpoint for visitors who aren’t logged in. Themes should check with job_manager_user_can_upload_file_via_ajax() if using endpoint in templates.
  • Fix: Escape post title in WP Admin’s Job Listings page and template segments. (Props to @EhsanCod3r)


  • Enhancement: Add language using WordPress’s current locale to geocode requests.
  • Fix: Allow attempts to use Google Maps Geocode API without an API key. (@spencerfinnell)
  • Fix: Issue affecting job expiry date when editing a job listing. (@spencerfinnell)
  • Fix: Show correct total count of results on [jobs] shortcode.


  • Enhancement: Warn the user if they’re editing an existing job.
  • Enhancement: WP Admin Job Listing page’s table is now responsive. (@turtlepod)
  • Enhancement: New setting for hiding expired listings from [jobs] filter. (@turtlepod)
  • Enhancement: Use WP Query’s built in search function to improve searching in [jobs].
  • Fix: Job Listing filter only searches meta fields with relevant content. Add custom fields with job_listing_searchable_meta_keys filter. (@turtlepod)
  • Fix: Improved support for WPML and Polylang.
  • Fix: Expired field no longer forces admins to choose a date in the future. (@turtlepod)
  • Fix: Listings with expiration date in past will immediately expire; moving to Active status will extend if necessary. (@turtlepod)
  • Fix: Google Maps API key setting added to fix geolocation retrieval on new sites.
  • Fix: Issue when duplicating a job listing with a field for multiple file uploads. (@turtlepod)
  • Fix: Hide page results when adding links in the [submit_job_form] shortcode.
  • Fix: Job feed now loads when a site has no posts.
  • Fix: No error is thrown when deleting a user. (@tripflex)
  • Dev: Plugins and themes can now retrieve JSON of Job Listings results without HTML. (@spencerfinnell)
  • Dev: Updated inline documentation.

Veja itens adicionais do registro de mudanças no arquivo changelog.txt