Manage hundreds of WordPress websites with half the effort.

Switch to the better way of managing WordPress websites. Get one-click updates, rock-solid security and fast, reliable backups with WP Remote.

25,000+ happy customers and counting..

One single unexpected crisis can cost you an important client and your reputation.

  • You’re constantly worried about your sites breaking down due to a faulty update or plug-in.
  • You’re not sure if your site management tool will alert you in case something goes wrong, and by the time you fix it, your client relationship will be ruined.
  • Your malware scanner has failed to identify suspicious files in your WordPress installs, and you’re wondering if you can trust it to actually protect your clients’ sites.
  • Failed back-ups, sites losing connection, system errors that prevent back-ups from completing successfully—you’re starting to feel like you’re not in control and you could lose your sites any day.

“WP Remote Is superior to ALL OTHERS BY FAR.

I spent 1000$+ on others: used Updraft, ManageWP etc…All of those gave me some problems.
WP Remote is simple, super fast, doesn’t use server resources and technically speaking perfect.”

Alessio Santoro, Freelance Web Designer

There are a number of solutions in the market..

…but they don’t give you the tools you need to win your clients’ complete trust.

You’ve tried:

Managing everything yourself

But it’s too time-consuming, complicated and stops you from achieving your full potential. You don’t want to put your clients’ sites at risk with inefficient management.

You’ve tried:

Putting together multiple tools

But these tools don’t work together seamlessly and end up costing you a lot more time and money. You need to login to a bunch of apps and dashboards everyday just to ensure everything is running smoothly.

You’ve tried:

Outsourcing your website management

But it’s lowering your margins substantially and taking away your control over the management. You’re forced into back and forth between the client and the freelancer to manage a site.

Manage multiple WordPress sites effortlessly and ensure smooth running websites for every client.

Update all your sites in one-click from our fast and flexible dashboard.

Sit back, let WP Remote automatically install updates and never worry about unexpected downtimes.

Keep your sites 100% safe with comprehensive WordPress security

Are you prepared to handle multiple hacks in the same day? Reusing the same plugins and themes means that one single vulnerability can affect multiple clients.

Safely test changes and updates with 1-click integrated staging for all your sites.

Test changes and fix bugs by cloning your live website with a free staging environment, powered by BlogVault. Catch errors earlier and make better websites for your clients.

Monitor your sites 24/7 and be the first to know when something goes wrong.

Don’t wait for your clients to inform you when their site is down. Get notified as soon as something goes wrong and fix it immediately with WP Remote.

Let clients know that you take care of their site with accurate, automated reports.

Automatically send beautiful, comprehensive reports that show all aspects of your work to your clients.

Build a safety net for your websites with reliable, timely backups.

Losing websites because a back-up failed? System errors preventing your backups from completing successfully?

“Phenomenal service.”

The dashboard & functions are easy to use, and awesome customer support. I don’t have other services to compare WP Remote to.

Megan Gray,
‍House of Grays

Make site management effortless with WP Remote

Set it up in 60 seconds

Get a personalised central dashboard ready to support your needs, with all site management tools at your fingers.

Let WP Remote do the rest

Get alerts for updates or malware, schedule backups and manage all your clients’ sites in one place.

Some frequently asked questions

Can I manage multiple WordPress sites on WP Remote’s dashboard?

Yes! You can add and manage unlimited sites on your WP Remote dashboard.

Do I get support from the WP Remote team if I have questions?

We offer 24/7 support to all our users—with fast, practical solutions to your problems and adequate answers to all your questions! We’re here to help.

Can I use WP Remote if I’m just a beginner?

WP Remote is built to help agencies of any and all sizes. Our tool is intuitive and easy-to-use, and doesn’t require any technical know-how. You can get started with it right away!

Can I manage my clients on WP Remote’s dashboard?

Yes, our client dashboards allow you to mange your clients in the tool!

Are there any free plans of WP Remote?

Yes! WP Remote has a free version that you can check out on our pricing page!

Does WP Remote act as a WordPress collaboration plugin?

Yes, WP Remote can help WordPress agencies and developers manage their teams and clients in a collaborative environment.

Can I add plugins for WordPress directly from WP Remote’s dashboard?

Yes—our self-help section can show you how! Check this out: How do I add new plugins or themes?

Impress your clients and grow your agency with secure, fast and flawless websites.