What we learned about Open Data Day 2021

A few months ago on Open Data Day 2021, over 300 teams from around the world organised Open Data Day events. Thanks to our partners – Microsoft, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Mapbox, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, Latin American Open Data Initiative, Open Contracting Partnership and Datopian – we also gave […]

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Thank you for Joining the Frictionless Data Hackathon

Last week people from around the world joined the Frictionless Data team for the world’s first Frictionless Data Hackathon. Find out what happened, and make sure you join the Frictionless Data Community to find out about upcoming events. Watch video here What’s this about? The team at Open Knowledge Foundation have lots of experience running […]

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Open Data Day 2022 Update: Focus on the Ocean

Today we are pleased to announce a new Open Data Day partnership with Friends of Ocean Action that aims to support UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 – to ‘conserve and sustainably use our ocean, seas and marine resources for sustainable development’. What’s this about? Open Data Day is an annual, global celebration of open data. […]

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A new CEO for Open Knowledge Foundation – Renata Ávila

Beyond Open Data, our new CEO will start a conversation about the future of our global knowledge commons. Today we are delighted to announce that the Board of Directors of Open Knowledge Foundation has appointed Renata Avila to be the new CEO of Open Knowledge Foundation – effective from October 4th 2021. Board Chair, Vanessa Barnett, […]

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Hear a developer’s view on algorithmic decision-making! Justice Programme community meet-up on 14th October

Last month, the Open Knowledge Justice Programme launched a series of free, monthly community meetups to talk about Public Impact Algorithms. We believe that by working together and making connections between activists, lawyers, campaigners, academics and developers, we can better achieve our mission of ensuring algorithms do no harm. For the second meet-up, we’re delighted […]

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Help us make Open Data Day more impactful – strategic thinker needed.

Open Data Day is a community event where everyone is invited to contribute. Each year over 300 groups organise activities around the world to show the benefits of open data and to encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society. As the stewards of Open Data Day, Open Knowledge Foundation […]

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Make a difference! Our invitation to join the Advisory Council of The Justice Programme

What’s this about? = = = = = Do you have professional expertise in emerging data driven technologies such as artificial intelligence and their relationship with the law – especially the legal systems of the UK, Republic of Ireland and the EU? Are you up to date with the debates around surveillance technologies and their […]

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Learn about automated decision making in the UK housing benefits system

– Are you a lawyer, campaigner or activist working in the UK housing benefits system? – Do you want to learn how automated decision systems are currently used in the housing benefits system in the UK ? – Do you want to learn about legal strategies for challenging the (mis)use of these technologies? = = […]

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Open Science in action ! Making it easier for science researchers to share their data

Frictionless Data and Dryad join forces to make it easier for scientists to upload their research data to the Dryad repository. What’s this about? What happens to scientific data after it is created ? Is it shared with other researchers? Or is it hidden away on a private hard drive? This question is at the […]

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The registration for the first EU Open Data Days is open!

Here at Open Knowledge Foundation, we are really pleased to see that registration is now open for participants for the first EU Open Data Days. The programme lasts three days from 23rd to 25th November 2021, and is split in two main parts. – EU DataViz, a conference on open data and data visualisation for […]

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Register your Interest: Open Knowledge Justice Programme Community Meetups

What’s this about? The Open Knowledge Justice Programme is kicking off a series of free, monthly community meetups to talk about Public Impact Algorithms. Register here. Who is this for? Do you want to learn more about Public Impact Algorithms? Would you like to know how to spot one, and how they might affect the […]

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