Kilauea volcano update: resumption of activity + timelapse video

Wed, 10 Nov 2021, 06:56
06:56 AM | BY: MARTIN
Thermal image of the western fissure vent within Halemaʻumaʻu crater (image: Hawaii Tracker)
Thermal image of the western fissure vent within Halemaʻumaʻu crater (image: Hawaii Tracker)
According to the news from the Hawaii Tracker portal, it seems that the effusive eruption within Halemaʻumaʻu lava lake has picked up again yesterday since around 4 November as the activity slowed down.
A timelapse video over the past few days shows the slow down and resumption of the activity in the attached link

Previous news

Thu, 4 Nov 2021, 06:06
Glowing cracks in the lava lake of Halemaʻumaʻu crater (image: HVO)
Volcanologist Philip Ong from our team, living in Hawaii, reported about the growing lava lake progress on Hawaii Tracker: "Just over one month into Kīlauea's second eruption in 2021, and the filling lava lake has reached the northeast inner ledge at an elevation of roughly 2585 ft or 788 m above sea level. The current eruption has added 170 ft or 52 m to the previously crusted lake, for a total thickness of 919 ft or 280 m to its deepest point since late 2020. However, the combined output of both eruptions thus far only corresponds to about 8% of the volume lost during the 2018 summit collapse." ... Read all
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