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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Fox bought as a dog roams residential area in Lima, Peru

    Fox bought as a dog roams residential area in Lima, Peru

  2. Video content

    Video caption: TikTok videos humanise Colombia's cocaine workers

    Social media videos in Colombia reveal how the people on the lowest rung of the cocaine industry work and live.

  3. Video content

    Video caption: ICYMI: From bright lights to great heights

    Our weekly video round-up of some of the stories that might have passed you by: In Case You Missed It.

  4. Video content

    Video caption: Climate change: Making the BBC’s Life at 50C season

    We go behind the scenes on the Life at 50C season, which followed people on climate change front line.

  5. Video content

    Video caption: COP26: Indigenous Amazon activist 'got death threats' after speech

    Txai Suruí says she worries for her safety and that of other young climate activists.

  6. Video content

    Video caption: The man who plays with sharks

    Almost every day for 40 years, expert diver Jim Abernethy has been swimming with sharks in the Bahamas.