Take control of your packing.

Paccurate reduces shipping costs and wasted material by finding the optimal way to pack every shipment. For parcel, LTL, and FTL.

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Live request stats: random items packed in seconds, % volume used

"The cost to value ratio is off the charts. I've never seen anything like it."

— Rick Gemereth | CIO, Lionel

Developer Quickstart

Want to get your feet wet right away? Execute this command from your shell. Grab an API key to unlock request limits.


You've spent valuable time negotiating your carrier rate tables. Why stop there? Pack according to the incentives built into your rates, and stop wasting money on sub-optimal packing.

Calculate ROI

Dimensional Weight Fees

Unexpected dim fees can really add up. You need a cartonization engine that can avoid them, or choose to incur one if it's cheaper than the alternative packing solutions.

Carrier Incentives

Rate tables encourage packing a certain way. For example, carriers may incentivize using fewer boxes for zone 2, but lower total volume for zone 9. Paccurate makes decisions based on these patterns for every order.

The Extra Mile

Minimizing volume is a half-measure. Tested against other simple volume-minimizing cartonization algorithms, Paccurate saved an average of ~6% per multi-item order.

Cutting Edge

As your fulfillment process becomes more complex, more factors affect how and when items get packed. Rather than waste time managing complex rules, let Paccurate handle business constraints.

Cost Aware

Rate tables don't tell the whole story. Consider other costs like labor, box costs, fees, and more to generate the cost optimal packing solution.


Paccurate was crafted with real-world fulfillment concerns in mind, but we make a special effort not to be rigid. Most features are generalized enough to support niche use cases.

Fast and Scalable

With an average response time of ~2ms per item packed, and an automatically scaling server infrastructure, Paccurate is production-ready.

Powerfully Nimble

The enterprise logistics tech space is dominated by large, end-to-end solutions. With the Paccurate API, we're bucking that trend. It's flexible enough to upgrade any touchpoint of your Order to Cash Process, and fast enough to keep up.


Take control of your pack and ship process, from the epicenter of your organization.


Plan faster. Compare parcel vs LTL, or the optimal packing for one carrier vs another.

Order Entry

Give more accurate shipping quotes in the shopping cart or over the phone.


Make your packers more efficient with fluid pick zones and illustrated packing instructions.


Give your order management a boost, and gain some upstream visibility into your shipping ops.


Load your trucks in the order in which they need to be unloaded on a delivery route.

Paccurate Icon


You may have seen us before. Paccurate powers the cartonization features in some of the biggest logistics software platforms on the market. Our partners trust us to deliver a secure, scalable service that can adapt to a variety of use cases.

Looking to add cartonization to your software?

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