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We propose a learning mechanism suitable for using in a heterogeneous environment, where interconnected systems present simultaneously a competitive and cooperative behaviour. By interconnected systems we understand systems that need to interact with ...
Socially interconnected systems should be able to exhibit, understand, and reason about social behavior, in order to support lasting interconnections that show realistic and desirable properties. We claim that a fundamental new approach based on social ...
Collecting data from the web is essential for research in social science, like digital marketing and applied economics, and for data research areas like Information Retrieval and Big Data. However, most of current methods for automatically collecting ...
The increasing relevance of complex systems in dynamic environments has received special attention from researchers during the last decade. Due to the need of a flexible and quick response to the clients' requirements, such systems become an important ...
Increasing demand of resources has driven research towards design of mechanisms that address resource-demand management, which usually focus on balancing peak demand. The goal of this paper is to balance the demand as well as to encourage consumers to ...