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SIGARCHSpecial Interest Group on Computer Architecture

SIGARCH serves a unique community of computer professionals working at the forefront of computer design in both industry and academia. It is ACM's primary forum for interchange of ideas about tomorrow's hardware and its interactions with compilers and operating systems. SIGARCH sponsors or co-sponsors a number of conferences, including the annual international Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA). SIGARCH also offers Member Plus proceedings benefits to members when available.


Subject Areas

PerformanceDistributed systems organizing principlesParallel architecturesDynamic memoryDistributed architecturesCompilersArchitecturesMultiple instruction, multiple dataDependable and fault-tolerant systems and networksMulticore architecturesEmbedded and cyber-physical systemsParallel programming languagesParallel programming languagesMassively parallel and high-performance simulationsNetwork performance evaluationGrid computingSuperscalar architecturesGrid computingReal-time systemsParallel computing models

Most Cited Authors

University of California, Berkeley
MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley
Yahoo Research Barcelona

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