The 8th HLF 2021
This September 20–23, the digital 8th HLF offered a diverse blend of traditional and novel components for the selected young researchers and the other participants. There was an effort made to construct a program that unmistakably resembles the HLF while being undeniably optimized for an online format. Providing a space for effective interaction was the principal motivation in tailoring each element.
Certain aspects simulated the actual event such as laureate lectures and Hot Topic, which was “Mathematics of Disease: The Science of Epidemic Modeling.” Other components like the laureate debate and speed-networking were introduced. Many elements were optimized for direct interplay and the entire program was on a highly usable platform. Leading up to the 8th HLF, a few workshops were designed to provide the young researchers with direct and tangible benefits in their careers.
Though the digital 8th HLF looked and felt very different from the actual event, the fundamental principle remained constant: some of the brightest minds in mathematics and computer science came together for interdisciplinary exchange.
Video material from most of the sessions is now available on the HLF YouTube channel.