International Conference Proceedings Series

ACM’s International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) program offers a low-cost alternative to other publishers and venues. The production charges for events whose proceedings are accepted for publication in ICPS as of July 1, 2018 are:

  • Base rate for volumes with up to 30 papers: US $750
  • For volumes with more than 30 papers: base rate of US $750, plus US $20 for each paper above 30

Incidental charges include the following:
  • Non-refundable application fee: US $50
  • DOI registration fee: US $1 per article published
  • iThenticate plagiarism detection fee: US $0.55 per accepted article
  • Library of Congress Proceedings Registration fee: US $80 per proceedings volume
  • ISBN acquisition and registration Fee US $1.50 per proceedings volume

*Economic discounts based on The World Bank List of Economies.

NOTE: Economic discounts may be applied to ACM production charges only. Incidental charges are applied as direct costs from 3rd party agencies or as part of the ICPS application submission process and cannot be discounted.

Please see the ICPS Flyer for Marketing information.

Optional Paid Open Access

Please note that pricing for the following “optional” services is separate from the mandatory proceedings volume production and incidental charges. Pricing effective September 1, 2019.

Option 1:
ACM offers ICPS conference organizers the ability to make the full-text contents of their conference proceedings available on an Open Access basis via the conference’s website utilizing ACM’s OpenTOC service and via the ACM Digital Library (on a limited basis) utilizing ACM’s OpenConference service. Each of these services is described below:

a) OpenTOC – ACM will provide an HTML version of the table of contents of the proceedings for posting on an event’s designated website(s). The HTML file provides those visiting the event’s designated website(s) with ACM and its Author-Ized links enabling direct and free perpetual full-text access and downloads from the ACM Digital Library. Please note that those visiting ICPS published articles in the ACM Digital Library without utilizing “Author-Izer” links will still require authenticated access.

b) OpenConference – ACM will make all full-text articles of the Event Organizer’s proceedings freely available for full-text download directly from the ACM Digital Library platform for the duration of the related event.

Pricing for the optional OpenTOC and OpenConference tiered Open Access fee structure is below.

  • Tier 1: $2,500.00 USD for all volumes containing up to 30 articles.
  • Tier 2: $5,000.00 USD for all volumes containing 31-75 articles.
  • Tier 3: $7,500.00 USD for all volumes containing 76-100 articles.
  • Tier 4: $10,000.00 USD for all volumes containing 101+ articles.


Option 2:

OpenConference+ – For a flat $1,000 USD proceedings volume fee, ACM will make all full-text articles of the Event Organizer’s proceedings freely available for full-text download directly from the ACM Digital Library platform for a full two weeks (2) beginning on the first day of your event.


The goal of the International Conference Proceedings Series program is to enable conferences and workshops to cost effectively produce print proceedings for their attendees, while also providing maximum dissemination of the material through electronic channels, specifically, the ACM Digital Library. The complete list of published ICPS volumes is available in the ACM Digital Library.

The ACM International Conference Proceedings Series scope of coverage is available here.

Editorial board members:

Editor-in-Chief: Azzedine Boukerche

University of Ottawa
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
800 King Edward Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5

Email: boukerch AT site DOT uottawa DOT ca

  • Alex K Jones (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, USA)
  • Ewa Deelman (USC Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, CA, USA)
  • Marios Dikaiakos (Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, CYPRUS)
  • Graham Hutton (Department of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK)
  • David K. Kahaner (Asian Technology Information Program (ATIP), Albuquerque, NM)
  • Wenguang Chen (Department of Computer Science and Technology,  Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
  • Alba Melo (University of Brasilia, Brazil)
  • Noura AL-Jeri (Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait)
  • Mirela S. M. A. Notare (FAERO Technology University, Brazil)
  • Rodolfo Coutinho (Concordia University, Canada)
  • Graciela Román Alonso (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico)
  • Mónica Aguilar Igartua (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain)
  • Albert Zomaya (University of Sydney, Australia)
  • Peng Sun (Duke Kunshan University, China)
  • Maram Y. Bani Younes (Philadelphia University, Jordan)
ACM Staff Contact for ICPS: Craig Rodkin, [email protected]


Here is an outline of how the program works:

  1. Conference Organizers must fill in the ICPS application form which includes an online ICPS Publishing Agreement.  Should you wish to publish a companion volume, you must indicate this within the brief outline of topics covered for your event. The ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS) Editor-in-Chief, Azzedine Boukerche, and the ICPS Editorial Board will review proposals from conference organizers to determine whether the conference proceedings are suitable for publication by ACM. The ICPS Board will work with ACM Staff to solicit support of appropriate ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs) should overlap of interests occur.

    NOTE: Do not simultaneously apply for ICPS publishing and sponsorship, co-sponsorship, or in-cooperation status with ACM or an ACM SIG. ACM will immediately terminate applications that do. Conference leaders wishing to secure cooperating status with an ACM SIG, should first apply for cooperation. Following approval, conference leaders may submit a request for ACM publishing services through the ICPS program.

    All events with SIG In-Cooperation status are expected to pay the ICPS fee as described above. The cooperating SIG WILL NOT pay the fee on your behalf.

  2. The proceedings volume will be copyrighted as a whole and published by ACM; authors will choose among the different rights options ACM offers for their individual papers; and the volume will be identified as being part of the International Conference Proceedings Series published by ACM, lending ACM's imprimatur to this publication.  Under such auspices, ACM permits usage of the ACM logo indicating that ACM is the publisher and the materials will be presented under the ICPS banner. In no way are you to indicate that ACM is a Sponsor of the event. Download ACM's approved logo for use on websites and printed materials here.
    *Note: Use of the ACM-ICPS name and logo prior to acceptance of the volume into the program is not allowed and is grounds for rejection.
  3. ACM does not intend to carry any inventory or to sell hard copies; rather
  4. ACM will put the full-text of the proceedings papers into the ACM Digital Library, under the heading of the "ACM International Conference Proceedings". There are over 34,000 individual subscribers to the DL, and over 2,800 library subscriptions. This guarantees that the proceedings will be available to the widest possible audience of computing professionals. 
  • Proceedings volumes published in the ICPS series cannot be published outside of the ACM Digital Library
  • ACM reserves the right to exclude volumes that only submit short abstract articles; ICPS volumes should add substantive work to the Digital Library, rather than abstracts of papers intended for full publication elsewhere.
  • While papers may be submitted in the author's native language, ACM requires titles and abstracts be submitted in English; author(s) (including affiliations) submitted using the Roman Alphabet as opposed to Cyrillic, Chinese, or Arabic.
  1. The relevant rights expressed in the ACM Rights and Responsibilities Policy would apply to the proceedings, such as
  • availability at low cost, taking into account the needs of readers in economically emerging countries and in economically undeveloped countries
  • enabling fast access to the electronic version of each article, throughout the world permitting low cost purchasing of individual copies of articles
  • Authors who wish to retain all rights to their work can choose ACM’s author-pays option, which allows for perpetual open access through the ACM Digital Library. Authors choosing the author-pays option can give ACM non-exclusive permission to publish, sign ACM’s exclusive licensing agreement or sign ACM’s traditional copyright transfer agreement.(see:
  • allow an authors' version of their own ACM-copyrighted work on their personal server or on servers belonging to their employers. For all author rights see:
  • allowing metadata information, e.g., bibliographic, abstract, and keywords, for their individual work to be openly available
  • allowing authors the right to reuse their figures in their own subsequent publications for which they have granted ACM copyright,
  • respecting fair use provisions of US copyright law, and
  • allowing libraries to fill interlibrary loan requests, for teaching, research, and other not-for-profit uses.


If your ICPS application was submitted on or after March 5, 2020, please click here for instructions on generating materials for inclusion in the ICPS using The new ACM Production System (TAPS).


To propose a volume for the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, please complete the form using our online application system: (The application review process will commence shortly after receipt. You can expect a response to your application within 8-10 weeks' time.)

ACM requires all Event Organizers complete an ICPS Publishing Agreement at the time you submit your ICPS application. Please review a sample copy of the ICPS Publishing Agreement before submitting your application; The agreement specifies obligations of both parties in order to provide a sucessful experience publishing within the ICPS program.

Please contact Craig Rodkin, ACM Publications Operations Manager if you experience any problems using the online application system

Last updated February 22, 2021 by C. Rodkin

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