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  • Thread Starter Conceptio


    Thanks for your time.
    Well, since in some rare case different brand stores share the same geolocation. To make them still both visible and clickable on the map whe are trying to use as marker different arrows-like (one pointing down left, one down right, ect).

    I think we could be forced to change in wpsl-gmap.js the line:

    anchor: new google.maps.Point( Number( markerSettings.anchor[0] ), Number( markerSettings.anchor[1] )

    with something like:

    anchor: new google.maps.Point( Number( infoWindowData.anchorX ), Number( infoWindowData.anchorY )

    Do you think there are better ways ?

    Thread Starter Conceptio


    Works like a charm.
    We just need to remember to change again the line after next update.

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