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Learning Outcomes Assessment Data Visualizations

In order to evaluate and inform teaching and learning, as well as benchmark our programs, APUS employs nationally administered tests such as the ETS Proficiency Profile and Peregrine Comprehensive Exams. This page contains the most recent data from our national testing program.

The ETS Proficiency Profile is a general education assessment, which is administered to undergraduate students as they are nearing graduation.  In addition to the total score there are seven subcategories scored within the assessment.  Please note the subcategories scores do not sum to the total score.  APUS' average scaled sub scores and total scores are displayed below, as well as the national means scores for comparison.

ETS Proficiency Profile

The Peregrine Comprehensive Exams are subject specific assessments that are required for select APUS programs.  Inbound exams are administered as a course requirement early on in a student’s program.  Outbound exams subsequently are administered in the student's program's final course.  Outcomes for 2019 from each program currently utilizing these assessments are shown below.  Comparison of inbound and outbound results as well as outbound total results compared to external aggregates are included.


BS ACCT 2019 national comparison

For more information please visit the peregrine website.

MS ACCT 2019 inbound outbound comparison


For more information please visit the peregrine website.

BBA 2019 inbound outbound comparison


For more information please visit the peregrine website.



For more information please visit the peregrine website.





For more information please visit the peregrine website.



For more information please visit the peregrine website.