

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses.

Welcome to the SpinupWP REST API documentation.

This API is currently in BETA, which means it can change at any time. We highly recommend subscribing to the REST API Beta email list to be notified at least a day in advance of any updates.

We’ve released a very limited set of endpoints to start so that we can gather input from REST API users. We welcome feedback and suggestions, which can be shared with us in the SpinupWP developer community, or via email.

To get started with our API, you will need a SpinupWP account. If you don't have an account yet, you can sign up for a free trial.

Our API accepts form-encoded request bodies and returns JSON responses. All API requests must be made over HTTPS.

Alternatively, we also have a PHP SDK, which provides an expressive interface for interacting with SpinupWP's API. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API responses.



curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

Once you have a SpinupWP account, you will need an API access token to use our API. The API access token must be sent with each request in the Authorization header as a Bearer token. API access tokens can be created for your personal account or as part of a team.

To generate a personal API access token, navigate to the API Tokens tab in your “My Account” settings page in SpinupWP. API access tokens you create via the “My Account” page are only relevant to resources created under your personal account.

If you are a team admin or a team owner, you can also generate access tokens from the API Tokens tab on the “Team Settings” page for any of the teams you own/manage. API access tokens you create via the “Team Settings” page are only relevant for resources associated with that team.



curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

$servers = $spinupwp->servers->list();

// Auto-pagination handles fetching lists of resources without having
// to paginate results and perform subsequent requests manually
foreach ($servers as $server) {
// Do something with $server


"data": [...],
"pagination": {
"previous": "",
"next": "",
"count": 25

All “list” endpoints include pagination, and have a limit of 10 objects per page. These endpoints will include a top-level pagination object with previous and next links along with a total count of objects.

These endpoints accept a page query parameter, which is the index of the page you want to retrieve. You can also optionally pass a limit parameter between 1 and 100, which is the limit of the number of objects to be returned. The default limit is 10.

Rate Limiting

The SpinupWP API has limit of 60 requests per minute. If you exceed the allowed limit you will receive a 429 Too Many Attempts response. To help you determine if you are approaching the limit we include the X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining headers on each request.


The Servers endpoint allows you to view servers.

List all servers


curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

$servers = $spinupwp->servers->list();


"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "hellfish-media",
"provider_name": "DigitalOcean",
"ubuntu_version": "20.04",
"ip_address": "",
"ssh_port": 22,
"timezone": "UTC",
"region": "TOR1",
"size": "1 GB / 1 vCPU",
"disk_space": {
"total": 25210576000,
"available": 20966548000,
"used": 4244028000,
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z"
"database": {
"server": "mysql-8.0",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 3306
"ssh_publickey": "ssh-rsa AAAA....",
"git_publickey": "ssh-rsa AAAA....",
"connection_status": "connected",
"reboot_required": true,
"upgrade_required": false,
"install_notes": null,
"created_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"status": "provisioned"
"pagination": {
"previous": null,
"next": "",
"per_page": 10,
"count": 15

GET /servers

Retrieves a list of servers. Returns a paginated list of Server objects.

Retrieve a server


curl -X GET{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

$server = $spinupwp->servers->get($serverId);


"data": {
"id": 1,
"name": "hellfish-media",
"provider_name": "DigitalOcean",
"ubuntu_version": "20.04",
"ip_address": "",
"ssh_port": 22,
"timezone": "UTC",
"region": "TOR1",
"size": "1 GB / 1 vCPU",
"disk_space": {
"total": 25210576000,
"available": 20966548000,
"used": 4244028000,
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z"
"database": {
"server": "mysql-8.0",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 3306
"ssh_publickey": "ssh-rsa AAAA....",
"git_publickey": "ssh-rsa AAAA....",
"connection_status": "connected",
"reboot_required": true,
"upgrade_required": false,
"install_notes": null,
"created_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"status": "provisioned"

GET /servers/{id}

Retrieves the details of a single server. Returns a Server object.


The Sites endpoint allows you to create, view, and delete sites.

List all Sites


curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}' \
-d server_id=1 \
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

// List all sites
$sites = $spinupwp->sites->list();

// List sites by server
$sites = $spinupwp->sites->listForServer($serverId);


"data": [
"id": 0,
"server_id": 1,
"domain": "",
"additional_domains": [
"domain": "",
"redirect": {
"enabled": true
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
"site_user": "hellfishmedia",
"php_version": "7.4",
"public_folder": "/",
"is_wordpress": true,
"page_cache": {
"enabled": true
"https": {
"enabled": true
"nginx": {
"uploads_directory_protected": true,
"xmlrpc_protected": true,
"subdirectory_rewrite_in_place": false
"database": {
"id": 1,
"user_id": 1,
"table_prefix": "wp_"
"backups": {
"files": true,
"database": true,
"paths_to_exclude": "node_modules\\n/files/vendor",
"retention_period": 30,
"next_run_time": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"storage_provider": {
"id": 1,
"region": "nyc3",
"bucket": "hellfish-media"
"wp_core_update": true,
"wp_theme_updates": 0,
"wp_plugin_updates": 3,
"git": {
"repo": "[email protected]:deliciousbrains/spinupwp-composer-site.git",
"branch": "main",
"deploy_script": "composer install --optimize-autoload --no-dev",
"push_enabled": true,
"deployment_url": ""
"basic_auth": {
"enabled": true,
"username": "hellfish"
"created_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"status": "deployed"
"pagination": {
"previous": null,
"next": "",
"per_page": 10,
"count": 15

GET /sites

Retrieves a list of sites. Optionally filtered by server. Returns a paginated list of Site objects.

(* indicates a required field)

Name Type Description
server_id integer Filter by Server ID

Create a Site


curl -X POST \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}' \
-d 'server_id'=1 \
-d 'domain' \
-d 'additional_domains[1][domain]' \
-d 'additional_domains[1][redirect]'=true \
-d 'site_user'=hellfishmedia \
-d 'installation_method'=wp \
-d 'page_cache[enabled]'=true \
-d 'https[enabled]'=true \
-d 'database[name]'=hellfishmedia \
-d 'database[username]'=hellfishmedia \
-d 'wordpress[title]'="Hellfish Media" \
-d 'wordpress[admin_user]'=admin \
-d 'wordpress[admin_email]'=[email protected] \
-d 'wordpress[admin_password]'=DK6Jrfj8gyWzL
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

$site = $spinupwp->sites->create($serverId, [
'domain' => '',
'site_user' => 'hellfishmedia',
'installation_method' => 'wp',
'page_cache' => [
'enabled' => true,
'https' => [
'enabled' => true,
'database' => [
'name' => 'hellfishmedia',
'username' => 'hellfishmedia',
'wordpress' => [
'title' => 'Hellfish Media',
'admin_user' => 'admin',
'admin_email' => '[email protected]',
'admin_password' => 'DK6Jrfj8gyWzL',


"event_id": 1,
"data": {
"id": 0,
"server_id": 1,
"domain": "",
"additional_domains": [
"domain": "",
"redirect": {
"enabled": true
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
"site_user": "hellfishmedia",
"php_version": "7.4",
"public_folder": "/",
"is_wordpress": true,
"page_cache": {
"enabled": true
"https": {
"enabled": true
"nginx": {
"uploads_directory_protected": true,
"xmlrpc_protected": true,
"subdirectory_rewrite_in_place": false
"database": {
"id": 1,
"user_id": 1,
"table_prefix": "wp_"
"backups": {
"files": true,
"database": true,
"paths_to_exclude": "node_modules\\n/files/vendor",
"retention_period": 30,
"next_run_time": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"storage_provider": {
"id": 1,
"region": "nyc3",
"bucket": "hellfish-media"
"wp_core_update": true,
"wp_theme_updates": 0,
"wp_plugin_updates": 3,
"git": {
"repo": "[email protected]:deliciousbrains/spinupwp-composer-site.git",
"branch": "main",
"deploy_script": "composer install --optimize-autoload --no-dev",
"push_enabled": true,
"deployment_url": ""
"basic_auth": {
"enabled": true,
"username": "hellfish"
"created_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"status": "deployed"

POST /sites

Creates a new site. Returns the event_id of the create site event along with the created Site object. You can check the events endpoint for the event_id every few minutes to find out when the site is ready.

(* indicates a required field)

Name Type Description
server_id* integer The ID of the server where the site should be created.
domain* string The site’s primary domain.
additional_domains array List of Additional Domain objects.
site_user* string The username for the site user.
php_version string The site’s PHP version. One of 7.3, 7.4, or 8.0. Defaults to 7.4.
public_folder string The site’s public folder. Defaults to /.
installation_method* string The type of site. One of wp, wp_subdirectory, wp_subdomain, git or blank.
deploy_script string This script will run after the site has been deployed. The script is executed as the site user from the ~/files directory.
page_cache.enabled boolean Whether to enable page caching.
https.enabled boolean Whether to enable HTTPS.
https.certificate_path string Only required when using a custom HTTPS certificate. Specify a path to the certificate.
https.private_key_path string Only required when using a custom HTTPS certificate. Specify a path to the prive key. string Database name. Only required if adding a database.
database.username string Database username. Only required if adding a database.
database.password string Database password. Leave blank to auto generate.
database.table_prefix string Table prefix for WordPress. Leave blank to auto generate.
wordpress.title string WordPress site title. Only required when using a WordPress installation method.
wordpress.admin_user string WordPress admin username. Only required when using a WordPress installation method.
wordpress.admin_password string WordPress admin password. Only required when using a WordPress installation method.
wordpress.admin_email string WordPress admin email. Only required when using a WordPress installation method.
git.repo string Link to repository if enabling git.
git.branch string Git repository branch to deploy from.
git.always_run_deploy_script boolean Run the site’s deploy script after each git deployment. If this is not true, the script will run once after the site has been created and will not be saved.
git.push_to_deploy boolean Enable push to deploy for git. Need to setup a webhook with your git provider to point to the returned git_deployment_url.

Retrieve a Site


curl -X GET{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

$site = $spinupwp->sites->get($siteId);


"data": {
"id": 0,
"server_id": 1,
"domain": "",
"additional_domains": [
"domain": "",
"redirect": {
"enabled": true
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
"site_user": "hellfishmedia",
"php_version": "7.4",
"public_folder": "/",
"is_wordpress": true,
"page_cache": {
"enabled": true
"https": {
"enabled": true
"nginx": {
"uploads_directory_protected": true,
"xmlrpc_protected": true,
"subdirectory_rewrite_in_place": false
"database": {
"id": 1,
"user_id": 1,
"table_prefix": "wp_"
"backups": {
"files": true,
"database": true,
"paths_to_exclude": "node_modules\\n/files/vendor",
"retention_period": 30,
"next_run_time": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"storage_provider": {
"id": 1,
"region": "nyc3",
"bucket": "hellfish-media"
"wp_core_update": true,
"wp_theme_updates": 0,
"wp_plugin_updates": 3,
"git": {
"repo": "[email protected]:deliciousbrains/spinupwp-composer-site.git",
"branch": "main",
"deploy_script": "composer install --optimize-autoload --no-dev",
"push_enabled": true,
"deployment_url": ""
"basic_auth": {
"enabled": true,
"username": "hellfish"
"created_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"status": "deployed"

GET /sites/{id}

Retrieves the details of a single site. Returns a Site object.

Delete a Site


curl -X DELETE{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}' \
-d delete_database=true \
-d delete_backups=true \
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

$eventId = $spinupwp->sites->delete($siteId);


"event_id": 1

DELETE /sites/{id}

Permanently deletes a site. This cannot be undone. Returns the event_id of the delete site event.

(* indicates a required field)

Name Type Description
delete_database boolean Delete associated database
delete_backups boolean Delete associated backups

Run a Git Deployment


curl -X POST{id}/git/deploy \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

$eventId = $spinupwp->sites->gitDeploy($siteId);


"event_id": 1

POST /sites/{id}/git/deploy

Run a Git deployment which will pull the latest changes from your Git repository to the site on your server, and run your deployment script afterward (if you have one configured). Returns the event_id of the git deployment event.


The Events endpoint allows you to view events.

Retrieve an Event


curl -X GET{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
$spinupwp = new DeliciousBrains\SpinupWp\SpinupWp('API_TOKEN');

$event = $spinupwp->events->get($eventId);


"data": {
"id": 0,
"initiated_by": "Abraham",
"server_id": 1,
"name": "Creating site",
"status": "deployed",
"output": null,
"created_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"started_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"finished_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z"

GET /events/{id}

Retrieves the details of a single event. Returns an Event object. For operations that return an event_id you can use this endpoint to check the status of the event. A status of “deployed” means that the event was successfully completed. If the event fails, the output field will contain any error messages.



"id": 1,
"name": "hellfish-media",
"provider_name": "DigitalOcean",
"ubuntu_version": "20.04",
"ip_address": "",
"ssh_port": 22,
"timezone": "UTC",
"region": "TOR1",
"size": "1 GB / 1 vCPU",
"disk_space": {
"total": 25210576000,
"available": 20966548000,
"used": 4244028000,
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z"
"database": {
"server": "mysql-8.0",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 3306
"ssh_publickey": "ssh-rsa AAAA....",
"git_publickey": "ssh-rsa AAAA....",
"connection_status": "connected",
"reboot_required": true,
"upgrade_required": false,
"install_notes": null,
"created_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"status": "provisioned"


Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the server.
name string The server’s name. For display purposes only.
provider_name string The server’s provider name.
ubuntu_version string The version of Ubuntu on the server. One of 18.04 or 20.04.
ip_address string The server’s IP address.
ssh_port integer Port where the server accepts SSH connections.
timezone string The server’s timezone.
region string The server’s region. For display purposes only.
size string The server’s size. For display purposes only.
disk_space object Disk space details.
» total integer Total disk space detected on the server. (In bytes).
» available integer Available disk space detected on the server. (In bytes).
» used integer Used disk space detected on the server. (In bytes).
» updated_at string(date-time) The time that disk space was updated.
database object Database details.
» server string The database type on the server.
» host string The hostname for the database.
» port integer The port for the database.
ssh_publickey string The server’s public key.
git_publickey string The server’s public key for git connections.
connection_status string The server’s connection status. One of connected or disconnected.
reboot_required boolean If the server requires a reboot
upgrade_required boolean If the server has a pending SpinupWP upgrade.
install_notes string Notes about the server.
created_at string(date-time) The date the server was created.
status string The server’s status. One of provisioning, provisioned, or failed.


"id": 0,
"server_id": 1,
"domain": "",
"additional_domains": [
"domain": "",
"redirect": {
"enabled": true
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
"site_user": "hellfishmedia",
"php_version": "7.4",
"public_folder": "/",
"is_wordpress": true,
"page_cache": {
"enabled": true
"https": {
"enabled": true,
"certificate_path": "/etc/nginx/ssl/",
"private_key_path": "/etc/nginx/ssl/"
"nginx": {
"uploads_directory_protected": true,
"xmlrpc_protected": true,
"subdirectory_rewrite_in_place": false
"database": {
"id": 1,
"user_id": 1,
"table_prefix": "wp_"
"backups": {
"files": true,
"database": true,
"paths_to_exclude": "node_modules\\n/files/vendor",
"retention_period": 30,
"next_run_time": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"storage_provider": {
"id": 1,
"region": "nyc3",
"bucket": "hellfish-media"
"wp_core_update": true,
"wp_theme_updates": 0,
"wp_plugin_updates": 3,
"git": {
"repo": "[email protected]:deliciousbrains/spinupwp-composer-site.git",
"branch": "main",
"deploy_script": "composer install --optimize-autoload --no-dev",
"push_enabled": true,
"deployment_url": ""
"basic_auth": {
"enabled": true,
"username": "hellfish"
"created_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"status": "deployed"


Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the site.
server_id integer The site’s server ID.
domain string The site’s primary domain.
additional_domains [AdditionalDomain] The site’s additional domains.
site_user string The username for the site user.
php_version string The site’s PHP version.
public_folder string The site’s public folder.
is_wordpress boolean If a WordPress install was detected.
page_cache object Page cache details.
» enabled boolean If page caching is enabled.
https object HTTPS details.
» enabled boolean If https is enabled.
» certificate_path string The path to the certificate when using a custom HTTPS.
» private_key_path string The path to the private key when using a custom HTTPS.
nginx object Nginx options.
» uploads_directory_protected boolean Disallow PHP execution in the uploads folder.
» xmlrpc_protected boolean Disable xmlrpc.php
» subdirectory_rewrite_in_place boolean If rewrite rules are enabled for a WordPress Multisite subdirectory install.
database object Database details.
» id integer The site’s database ID.
» user_id integer The site’s database user ID.
» table_prefix string The site’s WordPress table prefix.
backups object Backup details.
» files boolean If file backups are enabled.
» database boolean If database backups are enabled.
» paths_to_exclude string Paths to be excluded from the file backups.
» retention_period integer Number of days to retain the site backups.
» next_run_time string(date-time) The timestamp in UTC that the next automatically scheduled backup will run.
» storage_provider object Storage provider details.
»» id integer The site’s storage provider ID.
»» region string The site’s storage provider region.
»» bucket string The site’s storage provider bucket.
wp_core_update boolean If WordPress core has updates available.
wp_theme_updates integer Number of WordPress themes that have updates available.
wp_plugin_updates integer Number of WordPress plugins that have updates available.
git object Git details.
» repo string The site’s git repository URL.
» branch string The site’s git branch.
» deploy_script string The script that will run after each git deployment. The script is executed as the site user from the ~/files directory.
» push_enabled boolean If git push to deploy is enabled.
» deployment_url string URL that git provider needs to make a POST request to for push to deploy.
basic_auth object Basic auth details.
» enabled boolean If basic authentication is enabled.
» username string The basic auth username.
created_at string(date-time) The date the site was created.
status string The site’s status. One of deploying, deployed, or failed.


"id": 0,
"initiated_by": "Abraham",
"server_id": 1,
"name": "Creating site",
"status": "deployed",
"output": null,
"created_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"started_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
"finished_at": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z"


Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the event.
initiated_by string The name of the person that initiated the event.
server_id integer The event’s server ID.
name string The name of the event.
status string The event’s status. One of queued,creating,updating,deleting,deployed, or failed.
output string The event’s output.
created_at string(date-time) The time that the event was created.
started_at string(date-time) The time that the event was started.
finished_at string(date-time) The time that the event finished.

Additional Domain

"domain": "",
"redirect": {
"enabled": true
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"


Name Type Description
domain string Additional domain name.
redirect object The domain redirect details.
» enabled boolean If true the domain will redirect to the primary domain.
created_at string(date-time) Date the domain was added.


"previous": null,
"next": "",
"per_page": 10,
"count": 15


Name Type Description
previous string Link to the previous page. Null if the current page is the first page.
next string Link to the previous page. Null if the current page is the last page.
per_page integer Number of objects per page.
count integer Total number of objects.


The SpinupWP API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized – Your API token is wrong or no longer valid.
402 Payment Required – The team does not have a valid subscription.
403 Forbidden – You do not have permission to access the endpoint.
404 Not Found – The specified resource could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access an endpoint with an invalid method.
422 Validation Error – Invalid or missing parameters.
429 Too Many Attempts – You’ve hit the rate limit on API requests.
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.