[Production] Registry Technical Provider Hexonet Maintenance
Scheduled for Nov 20, 08:00 - 12:00 UTC
Registry Technical Provider Hexonet Maintenance

List of TLD(s) impacted:
.de, .au, .it, .es, .nl, .se, .lu, .nz, .at, .jp, .ru, .pl, .pt, .cat,
.im, .gr, .dk, .hk, .cz, .ro, .lt, .pe, .no, .la, .mu, .lv, .ie, .af,
.nu, .gy, .ph, .ht, .cx, .am, .cm, .mg, .si, .sk, .hn, .gs, .tl, .ms,
.xn--p1ai, .sb, .ki, .xn--j6w193g, .nf

Maintenance Window: 2021-11-20 08:00AM UTC - 2021-11-20 12:00PM UTC

No action on these domains will be possible during this outage.
Posted Jan 29, 2021 - 17:13 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affects: Domain name registration.