

“Gutenberg” is a codename for a whole new paradigm for creating with WordPress, that aims to revolutionize the entire publishing experience as much as Gutenberg did the printed word. The project is following a four-phase process that will touch major pieces of WordPress — Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual.

El editor de bloques introduce un enfoque modular para todas las partes de tu sitio: cada pieza de contenido en el editor, desde un párrafo hasta una galería de imágenes o un encabezado, es su propio bloque. Y, al igual que los bloques físicos, los bloques de WordPress pueden ser añadidos, organizados y reorganizados, permitiendo a los usuarios de WordPress crear contenido rico en medios de una forma visualmente intuitiva — y sin necesidad de recurrir a shortcodes o a HTML personalizado.

The block editor first became available in December 2018. We’re always hard at work refining the experience, creating more and better blocks, and laying the groundwork for the future phases of work. Each WordPress release comes ready to go with the stable features from multiple versions of the Gutenberg plugin, so you don’t need to use the plugin to benefit from the work being done here. However, if you’re more adventurous and tech-savvy, the Gutenberg plugin gives you the latest and greatest, so you can join us in testing bleeding-edge features, start playing with blocks, and maybe get inspired to build your own.

Descubre más

  • Documentación del usuario: Revisa la documentación del editor de WordPress para obtener instrucciones detalladas sobre el uso del editor como autor para crear entradas, páginas y más.

  • Developer Documentation: Explore the Developer Documentation for extensive tutorials, documentation, and API references on how to extend the editor.

  • Colaboradores: Gutenberg es un proyecto de código abierto y da la bienvenida a todos los colaboradores de código hasta diseño, de documentación hasta selección. Mira el Manual para colaboradores para todos los detalles sobre cómo puedes ayudar.

The development hub for the Gutenberg project can be found at Discussions for the project are on the Make Core Blog and in the #core-editor channel in Slack, including weekly meetings. If you don’t have a slack account, you can sign up here.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cómo puedo enviar sugerencias o pedir ayuda sobre un fallo?

¡Nos encanta que nos informes de fallos, sugerencias de características o cualquier otra idea! Por favor, pásate por la página de problemas en GitHub para buscar problemas existentes o informar de uno nuevo. Aunque tratamos de hacer un seguimiento de los problemas aquí, en el foro del plugin, obtendrás una respuesta más rápida (y se reduce la duplicación de esfuerzos) manteniendo todo centralizado en el repositorio de GitHub.

Do I have to use the Gutenberg plugin to get access to these features?

It depends on the feature you want to use! Keep in mind that each version of WordPress after 5.0 comes with bundled versions of the Gutenberg plugin, automatically containing new features and changes. If you want the cutting edge features, including more experimental items, you will need to use the plugin. You can read more here about whether using the plugin is right for you.

¿Dónde puedo ver qué versiones del plugin Gutenberg se incluyen en cada versión de WordPress?

Mira el documento de “Versiones en WordPress” para obtener una tabla que muestra qué versión del plugin Gutenberg está incluida en cada versión de WordPress.

¿Qué es lo siguiente para el proyecto?

The four phases of the project are Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual. You can hear more about the project and phases from Matt in his State of the Word talks for 2020, 2019, and 2018. Additionally, you can follow the biweekly release notes and monthly project plan updates on the Make WordPress Core blog for more up to date information about what’s happening now.

¿Dónde puedo leer más acerca de Gutenberg?


4 de noviembre de 2021
The number of steps required to create a single article has increased significantly compared to ClassicEditor. For example, unless you maintain a certain screen width, the sidebar will be forced to close when you add a block. The user will have to bring back the sidebar every time. I don't understand why they are trying to increase the number of steps required to work.
3 de noviembre de 2021
In practice our population times have increased by over a third. Technically it is costing us more to develop now on WordPress. This should be a purely optional feature for bloggers and users who use basic functions. It is terrible if you use WordPress for anything more complicated. Its clunky and just gets in the way. Our population team hates it profusely.
2 de noviembre de 2021
I have first tried out Gutenberg as it was just starting with the very first official version. I liked the idea but ... this was first step and it was a pain to use it. So after some tries I went back to Classic Editor and forgot Gutenberg. I imagine, many other users went the same way. Now I just switched to new scheme for my blog and got an issue, because the theme recommended to install some plugins, which I did and then was surprised by having problems with my old classic widgets. This let me give a new try with Gutenberg and ... voilá. It's just what I did expect some years ago and a lot more, and ... a lot more to come. No problem with old posts, because they all are now automatically converted into single Classic blocks without any harm. But I can update them and add other blocks as I can create a new post just using blocks from the start. I know, I will need time to learn the plenty of features Gutenberg has to offer, but I'm completely happy with this new editor and will never get back to Classic (but it's still possible, of course, with a Classic Editor plugin. I'm very surprised to see a handful of negative reviews and not too many users. I can recommend everyone. Give it a try. It's great. You don't need hours to start using it. If you don't like it, the way back is simple. But you will like it after you compile your first new post using it. And then take you time to learn all the new features. Right after the first try you can do more than it was possible with Classic Editor. And then it's up to you, what you will want to add and how fast. Good luck and big thanks to CONTRIBUTORS 🙂
30 de octubre de 2021
This is an awesome initiative by the WordPress collaborators. It was not easy to learn it, but now I can achieve anything that could be done with Elementor, WP Bakery or related. And this is still in Phase 1 out of 4. Looking forward to more awesome features. (It has good speed, but can be improved as well)
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Colaboradores y desarrolladores

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Registro de cambios

To read the changelog for Gutenberg 11.8.1, please navigate to the release page.