‘internationalization’ Videos

  • Pascal Birchler: Multilingual WordPress – An Exploration

    WordCamp Vienna 2019Speaker: Pascal Birchler

    August 5, 2019 — To democratize publishing, internationalization is just one of many barriers that WordPress needs to overcome. That’s why for 2020 and beyond, the goal is to find an official way to build multilingual websites. Up until now, this was considered to be plugin territory. But what is needed to make WordPress a true polyglot?
    This talk covers the status quo of multilingual WordPress websites and shares some ideas — both from a technical and a user perspective — on how WordPress could evolve in this area over the next few years.

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  • David Wood: I18n…what- Internationalization- Why and How

    WordCamp Atlanta 2019Speaker: David Wood

    June 27, 2019 — Internationalization (I18n) is important for plugins and themes as it helps your published plugin or theme reach international audiences. How do you internationalize your themes and plugins? Why is it important? Why should you care? Come find out these answers and how to get started internationalizing your themes and plugins. We will look at practical steps and real code to see how everything fits together.

  • Dominik Schilling: State of WordPress Internationalization in 2019

    WordCamp Nordic 2019Speaker: Dominik Schilling

    June 19, 2019 — Over 52% of all WordPress installs are using a locale which is not American English. In this talk we’ll check how this is made possible. We’ll also learn more about tools and helpers that enables easy localisation of WordPress plugins and themes, whether they are public or private.

    The new block editor (Gutenberg), not only changed our editing flow but also finally improved the way how internationalization is handled in JavaScript. Not sure how? Join this talk to prepare yourself for WordPress internationalization in 2019.

  • Pascal Birchler: WordPress Internationalization Workflows

    WordCamp Sofia 2018Speaker: Pascal Birchler

    December 10, 2018 — Over the years, WordPress has steadily improved the way we have to work with internationalization. However, challenges still exist and there will always be new ones ahead. Projects like Gutenberg and ecosystems beyond WordPress.org force us to continuously iterate.

    Soon after the release of WordPress 15 years ago, support for internationalization was added to the software. This meant that themes, plugins, and WordPress itself could be translated. This was a huge deal as WordPress is used all over the world, in countries where English is not the main language. WordPress was quickly translated into German, Japanese and many more languages.

    In this talk you’ll learn how to make use of the latest and greatest technology to make your WordPress plugin or theme fully internationalized. Pascal is going to highlight how you can leverage the powers of WordPress, GlotPress, and WP-CLI to improve the translation workflow in your WordPress projects.

  • Pascal Birchler: WordPress Internationalization Workflows

    WordCamp Tokyo 2018Speaker: Pascal Birchler

    October 5, 2018 — Soon after the release of WordPress 15 years ago, support for internationalization was added to the software. This meant that themes, plugins, and WordPress itself could be translated. This was a huge deal as WordPress is used all over the world, in countries where English is not the main language. WordPress was quickly translated into German, Japanese and many more languages.

    Over the years, WordPress has steadily improved the way we have to work with internationalization. However, challenges still exist and there will always be new ones ahead. Projects like Gutenberg and ecosystems beyond WordPress.org force us to continuously iterate.

    In this talk you’ll learn how to make use of the latest and greatest technology to make your WordPress plugin or theme fully internationalized. Pascal is going to highlight how you can leverage the powers of WordPress, GlotPress, and WP-CLI to improve the translation workflow in your WordPress projects.

    WordPress 国際化のワークフロー

    このセッションでは、WordPress のテーマやプラグインを完全に国際化するためにどうやって最新技術を活用すればよいかご紹介します。WordPress、GlotPress、そして WP-CLI を使って WordPress プロジェクトでの翻訳フローを改善するやり方を学びませんか。

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  • Pascal Birchler: Internationalisation Done Right

    WordCamp Bern 2017Speaker: Pascal Birchler

    October 4, 2017 — As developers, we try to follow best practices in our daily work. One such best practice is internationalisation, a term that’s used a lot in the ever globalizing world in which we live. However, it’s often not fully understood or not used to its full extent.

    In this presentation, I’m going to explain the concept behind internationalisation, localization, and their benefits. I will show how culture influences the user’s behaviour and why we need to do more than just “making things translatable”. For example, internationalisation is also about date formats, text direction, meaning of symbols, and even humour.

    Internationalisation has a massive impact on user acceptance and usability. I will highlight existing tools, interfaces, and best practices to get internationalisation right in the UIs we create and the code we write.

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  • Pascal Birchler: Internationalization Improvements in WordPress 4.6 And Beyond

    WordCamp Geneva 2016Speaker: Pascal Birchler

    November 22, 2016 — In this talk, I’d talk about all the recent improvements to i18n (internationalization) and l10n (localization) in WordPress 4.6 and upcoming versions. There are some great performance improvements and new features to make the lives of developers and users easier.

    This includes, but is not limited to, just-in-time loading of translations, per-user language settings and JavaScript internationalization. Some very interesting stuff that I will demonstrate with code examples and screenshots.

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  • Сергей Бирюков: Интернационализация для авторов плагинов и тем

    WordCamp Moscow 2016Speaker: Sergey Biryukov

    September 15, 2016 — Cергей расскажет о том, как сделать свои плагины и темы доступными для всего мира; что такое файлы .pot, .po и .mo и почему они вам больше не нужны; как работает платформа translate.wordpress.org и что делать, если кто-то прислал вам свой перевод вашего плагина.

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  • John Blackbourn: Internationalisation for WordPress Developers

    WordPress Translation Day, Global WordPress Translation Day 2016Speaker: John Blackbourn

    May 30, 2016 — Plugin/Theme Devs: Internationalisation for WordPress developers – the right way to prepare your themes and plugins for translation
    with John Blackbourn, WordPress core developer, WordPress 4.1 release lead and Senior WordPress Engineer at Human Made