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Introduction to Shining3D (Part 2): Einscan Handheld 3D Scanners

Top 3D Shop corporate blog

Hello! It’s Top 3D Shop and this is Part 2 of our introduction to the world of 3D scanners by Chinese manufacturer Shining. The first part covered the desktop scanners. Now we are going to talk about the handheld line. We will compare the specs, provide overviews and talk about both the strong points and limitations of the devices. 

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Introduction to Shining3D (Part 1): Einscan Desktop 3D Scanners

Top 3D Shop corporate blog

Hello! It’s Top 3D Shop and in this article we will talk about Shining 3D. This manufacturer is among the few companies that offer a comprehensive ecosystem of 3D digitization solutions, covering not only 3D printing, but 3D scanning and software solutions for engineering and medical teams.

Most importantly, the company is constantly innovating to bring these technologies not only to the production floors of industrial conglomerates, but small businesses, R&D and engineering labs. For example, the Einscan HX is the most affordable handheld laser 3D scanner currently available on the market, bringing the price down to only $9,999.

The professionals and hobbyists alike will find value in reading about this brand and its products, and the article will cover precisely that. In part 1 we’ll focus on the overview of the company’s history and the Einscan desktop line of 3D scanners: Einscan SE and Einscan SP. In part 2 we’ll focus on their handheld line: Einscan H, Einscan Pro 2X 2020, Einscan Pro HD and Einscan HX.

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New lunar landers to be created with the help of additive manufacturing

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

The USA's National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has chosen three private companies to participate in the development of landing modules for the new Artemis lunar program. Among them are two enterprises that widely use 3D printing technologies in the production of rocket engines — Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin and Elon Musk's SpaceX. NASA seems to approach the matter carefully and generously, financing the development of lunar manned vehicles in three competing directions at once.
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Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, 3D Printing Helps with Medical Equipment Shortage

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

With medical equipment drastically growing scarce, a number of organizations and enterprises have taken up the development and manufacture of mechanical ventilators, relying on fast production by means of 3D printing technologies. 3D printing is often implemented in the medical field, but now, it's proving to be of great help during the emergency.

The first news of 3D printed ventilation apparatus came from Spain (apart from the case of 3D printing of valves at an Italian hospital). Here, we are talking about the so-called Ambu bags — temporary manual ventilators usually applied in the field by, paramedics. A whole consortium was involved in the development of the 3D printed version with the mechanical drive mechanism. The Leitat Technology Center in Barcelona played the leading role; support was provided by the Catalan Health Service, Barcelona's Zona Franca industrial estate, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadell, which houses the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
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How Honda Experiments with Generative Design and Additive Manufacturing

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

Honda, a Japanese car manufacturer has demonstrated outstanding results in their recent project intended to reduce the weight of the crankshaft and increase its fuel efficiency. In order to carry out such a redesign in an effective and timely-fashioned manner, the company collaborated with Autodesk and applied its software solutions, as well as various 3D-printing technologies.
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A new type of filament will help combat HIV transmission

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

Copper3D is a Chilean/US-based company that discovered a new mode of application for proprietary filament with copper nanoparticles. As products developed from such materials are very effective in terms of inactivating HIV, they can prove extremely useful in the construction of 3D-printed breastfeeding filters. Such applications cannot be considered new, since 3D printing is widely used for medicinal purposes.

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3D-printed electric motor will show unparalleled power density

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

Equipmake is a UK-based company that is currently developing “Ampere” — a traction motor designed to be the world’s best in terms of power density. The device will have a peak current density of more than 20 kW/kg (12 hp/lb), the outstanding value that the company aims to achieve by implementing various technologies of additive manufacturing.
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How 3D printing is used to fight the coronavirus

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

The Chinese company WinSun is helping in the fight against the epidemic of the coronavirus by constructing isolation wards. The company is printing modular mobile isolation wards on its self-developed 3D printers.
3D printing has proven to be a unique technology that has a plethora of various applications, such as space engineering, car industry, medicine, and construction.

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Swiss scientists develop ultra-fast resin 3D-printing technique

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

Scientists at the Laboratory of Applied Photonics Devices from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) are developing a new high-performance 3D-printing technique. Their patent-pending volumetric printing technology features rotational exposure of photopolymer resins to radiation resulting in light-shaping. Another peculiarity is that the part is printed in a single step, not layer-by-layer.

The technology itself seems to be of US origin. At the beginning of the previous year, a team of scientists from Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) demonstrated Computed Axial Lithography (CAL), a 3D-printing method based on LLNL’s previous researches on resin 3D-printing technique that features holographic patterning of light fields. The models were initially formed by laser beam crossing, which is very complex and expensive. Therefore, it’s been decided to alter the technology in favor of rotational exposure of photopolymer resins.

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