
WordPress 2.3.1

Posted October 26, 2007 by Ryan Boren. Filed under Releases.

WordPress 2.3.1 is now available. 2.3.1 is a bug-fix and security release for the 2.3 series.

2.3.1 fixes over twenty bugs. Some of the notable fixes are:

  • Tagging support for Windows Live Writer
  • Fixes for a login bug that affected those with a Blog Address different than
    their WordPress Address
  • Faster taxonomy database queries, especially tag intersection queries
  • Link importer fixes

Unfortunately, some security issues were found in 2.3. Janek Vind found an XSS problem that can be exploited if your php setup has register_globals enabled. For this reason, upgrading to 2.3.1 is advised.

The full set of changes between 2.3 and 2.3.1 is available for viewing on trac.

Get 2.3.1 from the download page and enjoy.

WordPress 2.3.1 Release Candidate 1

Posted October 24, 2007 by Ryan Boren. Filed under Development, Releases.

WordPress 2.3.1 is almost ready to go. Before we send it out the door, we’re making a release candidate available so everyone can give it a last look.

2.3.1 fixes over twenty bugs. Some of the notable fixes are:

  • Tagging support for Windows Live Writer
  • A login bug that affected those with a Blog Address different than
    their WordPress Address is fixed
  • Faster taxonomy database queries, especially tag intersection queries
  • Link importer fixes

More details will be provided in the final release announcement. Until then, download RC1 and let us know if it fixes a particular bug in 2.3 that was annoying you. If you find that something has broken since 2.3, please open a ticket so we can address the problem before the final 2.3.1 release.

See Also:

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