
Great WordPress Blogs

Posted July 29, 2004 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under General.

If you want more daily news on WordPress, I would recommend subscribing to these sites:

WordLog — A new site with daily updates and thoughts on WordPress from Carthik Sharma. Good links too.

Blogging Pro — “Blog News, Tools and Hacks” Always has the latest plugin info, often before even I see it.

Weblog Tools Collection — Not specifically a WordPress-focused blog but Mark (better known as LaughingLizard) covers a lot of WordPress-related topics.

I know some of these sites are open to additional contributors, so if you don’t want to fill your personal site up with WordPress posts (like mine) you should get in touch with one of these people and ask to be an author.

Update: I almost forgot about the excellent ScriptyGoddess.

Color Contest

Posted July 28, 2004 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Meta.

Over at my site I’m running a small contest for people to create alternative color schemes for the administration interface. When it’s done I’ll pick a few winners and package everything up in a plugin you can use to spice up your administration a bit. If you have a few free minutes try your hand at it. There will be a few prizes for the winners, including a copy of Color Schemer Studio.

Dev Update

Posted July 13, 2004 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Development.

Between posting to the forums, the IRC channel, and of course the wiki, I somehow forgot to update this blog. It’s time for an update. Here are a few things version 1.3 will do, or already does:

  • Works with all trackback URIs
  • New login system (for people who were having trouble)
  • New import/export system
  • Improved functionality on systems without mod_rewrite available
  • Works with PHP 5.0
  • Support category trackback
  • Easier geographic functions
  • Improved plugin API
  • Better spam control
  • More I don’t want to talk about yet, to avoid pre-hype

So, I hope that satiates your WordPress update craving.

See Also:

Want to follow the code? There’s a development P2 blog and you can track active development in the Trac timeline that often has 20–30 updates per day.

Want to find an event near you? Check out the WordCamp schedule and find your local Meetup group!

For more WordPress news, check out the WordPress Planet or subscribe to the WP Briefing podcast.


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