Support » Fixing WordPress » Theme activated, only home page doesn’t switch

  • When I activate a new theme, any theme, the homepage doesn’t update its theme. The other site pages do. I’m using a static homepage. I’ve activated Twenty Twenty at the moment to demonstrate my problem. Home page source code shows it’s still using a Twenty Twelve child theme. Been getting some “failure to execute script” messages recently for index.php and admin-ajax.php but they don’t seem to occur at the moment I activate.

    • This topic was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by opera13.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Hey @opera13, this may be a plugin conflict.

    If you can install plugins, install and activate “Health Check”:

    It will add some additional feature under create a new menu position Tools > Site Health.

    On its troubleshooting tab, you can Enable Troubleshooting Mode. This will disable all plugins, switch to a standard WordPress theme (if available), allow you to turn your plugins on and off and switch between themes, without affecting normal visitors to your site. This allows you to test for various compatibility issues.

    There’s a more detailed description about how to use the Health Check plugin and its Troubleshooting Mode at

    If that doesn’t work, I might try checking your server to see if you uploaded a custom homepage template at some point, and it’s not getting overwritten by any new themes being installed.

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