Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » Getting better

  • I’m updating my review from 1 to 3 stars. With each update some the the quirks and slowness have improved. And, it seems like it isn’t going away no matter how many people dislike it. So, I’m trying hard to like it. The fact that the widget area switched to this was a shock. It seems to work fine though.

    I like all the little things that you can do thanks to this editor which were a little more difficult before this existed, or took more manual coding. There are some cool blocks being developed. But, it’s taking me a while to get used to it. It could be overwhelming for some. Yes, you can simply type a title, enter, and type your post. Still, getting into the post settings isn’t as intuitive as the classic editor. Someone’s thought pattern might be: “Do I go into this three dot menu? This other one? Oh, there’s a gear icon. Oh, now I have to click the post tab to see the settings.”

    In short, things are improving. But, I’m still surprised this was added to core as early as it was with all the bugs it originally had.

    My original 1 star review:

    I love WordPress. I’ve used it to make many websites. I wanted to support this editor. In fact, I felt bad for WordPress as a whole that this has so many negative reviews. I thought, it’s OK, we just have to get used to it…

    But, it hasn’t gotten much better. It is too slow. Period. To load in general and while typing. Maybe on a fresh install with little to no plugins it is OK. But, otherwise it is incredibly slow. I will admit, it could just be a plugin conflict, but, when I type a letter it takes 5 seconds for the letter to appear (huge lag). But, the rest of my site is blazing fast (the front-end and the rest of the back-end). I know all about caching and optimization.

    This will not be heard (obviously since the reviews are so bad but the dev team went forward anyway) but, WordPress should continue to make this better, however keep it as a separate plugin. Just like JetPack is a separate plugin. Akismet is a separate plugin. Even Hello Dolly is a separate plugin.

    Those out there who love this editor and think it’s a game changer, they can install it. But, a fresh WordPress install should have a very basic and clean word processing editor. By the way, I don’t think the answer is TinyMCE either as the classic/default editor. WordPress should use a modern/clean editor like Quill or make it’s own minimal editor.

    • This topic was modified 4 days, 3 hours ago by wilcosky. Reason: Updating from 1 star to 3 stars
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  • Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Hey @wilcosky, are you still having those lag problems? I think it likely is a plugin conflict, like you suspected.

    If you want to figure out which plugin, install and activate “Health Check”:

    It will add some additional feature under create a new menu position Tools > Site Health.

    On its troubleshooting tab, you can Enable Troubleshooting Mode. This will disable all plugins, switch to a standard WordPress theme (if available), allow you to turn your plugins on and off and switch between themes, without affecting normal visitors to your site. This allows you to test for various compatibility issues.

    There’s a more detailed description about how to use the Health Check plugin and its Troubleshooting Mode at

    Thread Starter wilcosky


    I narrowed it down to the html block.

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