Support » Fixing WordPress » Full screen a.o. ? to Karuna theme

  • Resolved birgittem


    I have learned that I need to have my website on instead of .com in order to move it to
    It’s moved but I still have a few unresolved issues.
    1. I can’t get a full screen as I had before at
    2. The fontsizes are different. How do I change that?
    3. The headlines aren’t bold. How do I change that?

    Please help…

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Hey @birgittem, try deleting the copy of Karuna you’re using, and install this version directly from

    Thread Starter birgittem


    Ok. Is it just the theme that I need to delete? Can I get all my content in once again?

    Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Your content lives in the database, not in the theme, so deleting the theme shouldn’t delete any content.

    If you have FTP access, it might be easiest to overwrite your current version of Karuna with the one from Otherwise, you might need to reconfigure some stuff like menus and widgets.

    Thread Starter birgittem


    I hope you’ll have patience to answer once more: How do I know, if I have FTP acces?

    Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    It’s something your hosting provider would give you access to. There might be somewhere in your hosting admin where you can access it directly on the host website, but otherwise, you’ll need to download an FTP app to log in. At that point, it’s probably easiest to delete Karuna in your WordPress admin and re-upload instead.

    Thread Starter birgittem


    Thank you Mel! I’ll try. Merry X-mas from Denmark.

    Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Great, let me know if you run into any issues! Merry Christmas from the US πŸ™‚

    Thread Starter birgittem


    I’m back πŸ™‚ I STILL don’t get a full width.

    Thread Starter birgittem


    The editing is also still different from when I used it in Am I doing something wrong?

    Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Can you do me a favor real quick and check to see if you have any empty or otherwise hidden widgets in Customize > Widgets > Sidebar?

    Thread Starter birgittem


    You’re an ANGEL!!! I deleted the ones in the sidebar and it solved the problem. Should I remove the ones under unactive widgets?

    Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Awesome! It should be okay to leave the ones under unactive, but you can delete them if you’d like. I think you’ve found a bug with the theme β€” I’ll file a bug report for the theme and see about getting it fixed.

    Thread Starter birgittem


    Thanks. Can you tell me an easy way to remove the proubly powered by wordpress? I can’t remember how to do it, but I do remember it took me a long time on the other site.
    And I miss the widget Contact and map.

    Thread Starter birgittem


    One more.. I still don’t get bold headlines and the text on the front page under the pictures is bigger than on other pages. Can you help with that too?

    Thread Starter birgittem


    Just take your time. It’s bedtime here. Thank you so far.

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