Support » Everything else WordPress » Better Way of Viewing all Product Categories in Menu

  • I want to know if there is any module that can list all my product categories in full page rather than the navigation(used by default wordpress as shown in the This default method is making category creation difficult to manage in the appearance>menu page. Your guide in this will be highly appreciated. Thanks in anticipation.

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  • Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Hey @toppylawz, you can see all of your categories by navigating to Posts > Categories.

    If you have more categories than are listed on that page, you can click the “Screen Options” tab at the very top of the page, and then update the “Number of items per page” setting to something higher. Make sure to click the “apply” button.

    Let me know if this is what you’re looking for!

    Thread Starter toppylawz


    @melchoyce Thanks a lot for your response, however, this is not what I want. Let me explain it better, I have created over 450 categories in the woocommerce’s products>categories. Now in the appearance>menu I want to create menu that links the category in the product categories tab. Unfortunately because the categories created are paginated then some categories with sub-categories are not displayed in the expected hierarchy making it difficult to organize the menu. If there is any way I can visualize all of them at once, then they can be in the right hierarchy and I can do what I want. Your guide will be highly appreciated.

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