flat white

Three comments on the United States

How many readers realise that of all 50 US States it is Florida that, as I write this, has the lowest rate…

5 Nov 2021

What’s new about politicians calling their opponents liars?

From Glasgow to Ultimo there is a most convenient confluence of resentment, even hatred. Feeling the heat at home and…

5 Nov 2021

So long and thanks for all the krill

China is an eco-serial killer.  When it’s not poisoning, re-landscaping or using Asia’s waterways to blackmail its neighbours, the Communist…

5 Nov 2021

Je suis ScoMo

Je suis ScoMo.  Friends, Australians, countrymen, lend me your ears. I come not to bury the Prime Minister. This time. …

4 Nov 2021

How Canberra can stop Victoria becoming Dictator Dan’s Dystopia

Imagine a place where all power lies with one man. He gets to dictate the rules by decree. He can…

4 Nov 2021

Don’t forget Labor’s still loathsome

Prussian soldier strategist Carl von Clausewitz is best remembered for his statement, “War is the continuation of political intercourse with…

4 Nov 2021

Yes, Virginia, there is a culture war

Voters in the Commonwealth of Virginia just delivered a message that will radiate hope to Christians and conservatives in the Commonwealth of Australia.  Parents’ concerns…

4 Nov 2021

Glasgow and the greenhouse gap

As we watch the bureaucratic minions and the behemothic motorcades circulating in Glasgow, the ‘Greenhouse Gap’ appears to be growing.   On one side of…

4 Nov 2021

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Let’s hear it for Winsome Sears

Of all the improbable outcomes in this week’s elections, a couple struck me as worthy of a Hollywood movie script.…

5 Nov 2021

Manchin and Sinema: Cassandras of the Senate

Tuesday was a very bad night for the Democratic Party. They lost the Virginia governorship and House of Delegates, almost lost the New Jersey governorship, and lost several…

5 Nov 2021

Maryland gubernatorial candidates push child vax mandates

There were plenty of lessons for Democrats to learn from the shock victory of Republican Glenn Youngkin in Tuesday night’s…

5 Nov 2021

I’m a racist, you’re a racist, we are racists all

What news network did you watch on election night? Thankfully we all had plenty of options. There was CNN, where…

5 Nov 2021

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Kiwi notes

Our tired democracy teeters When is enough? When Aucklanders recently heard the seemingly interminable lockdown which the Prime Minister Jacinda…

6 Nov 2021

Kiwi Life

Lorde vs Lana People who live in glass houses really shouldn’t get changed with the lights on. Doubly so, one…

30 Oct 2021

Saint Jacinda backs a two-tier society

For many so-called liberals, Jacinda Ardern seemed to be the perfect premier. Warm, empathetic, progressive, above all – moderate –…

25 Oct 2021

Vaping: one policy the Kiwis have got right

The Asia Pacific region has been split in two as to how to best deal with vaping. No bigger is…

21 Oct 2021

Gladys & the ICAC porn

The daily revelations at the Independent Commission Against Corruption in New South Wales are providing satisfying sport for those who…

6 Nov 2021

At the fork in the road, the High Court took the low road

There is a story from the Cold War that may be apocryphal but deserves to be true. It’s difficult enough…

6 Nov 2021

Twiggy’s fugitive gas

Renewables are so yesterday. It’s now all about hydrogen. But not just any hydrogen – it has to be green…

6 Nov 2021

Lessons from Loudoun County

By the time you read this the result of Virginia’s gubernatorial election will be known. It is not known as…

6 Nov 2021

Make me Covid Lord High Executioner, please

In Gilbert and Sullivan’s opera The Mikado, the character Ko-Ko is appointed to the position of Lord High Executioner. He…

6 Nov 2021

The Petrovsky Affair

Professor Nikolai Petrovsky has just developed Australia’s first successful vaccine in 40 years. In any approximation of a normal world,…

6 Nov 2021

Sorry, that’s not a holocaust

If you have heard anything about Dave Chappelle’s latest comedy special on Netflix, The Closer, it’s most likely the accusations…

6 Nov 2021

Climate doom is harming the young

The Satanists came out to play in Noosa last week on Hallowe’en, staging a Black Mass at the Surf Club…

6 Nov 2021

The Crucible

Sometimes you think the Apocalypse doesn’t go away. It just takes new and frightful forms. No sooner was the lockdown…

6 Nov 2021

Keith Michell

So the lockdowns end, even in Melbourne, and we get a glimpse of what artistic performance may loom in a…

30 Oct 2021

Bob Dylan

Only in Australia and perhaps only in Sydney, that cradle of the cons and the jailers, the Rum Corps and…

23 Oct 2021

Maggie Smith

And so we look like being able to see live performance again in the two biggest cities in Australia: Sydney…

16 Oct 2021

Aussie Life

I’m not sure what the sacking of Michael Leunig says more about; the state of Australian journalism or the status…

6 Nov 2021

My pro-vaxxer friends are changing their tune

My pro-vaxxer friends have been a lot nicer to me since they started testing positive for Covid. I’m calling my…

6 Nov 2021

How men’s wardrobes prove constraints can be good for us

One thing that surprised every-one during lockdown was how many people derived unexpected pleasure from living under imposed restrictions. Can…

6 Nov 2021

The real ‘scallop’ war: how do you pronounce it?

‘You say scallops and I say scallops,’ sang my husband in his best Ginger Rogers accents. Since we both pronounce…

6 Nov 2021

Even the greatest tennis players need to be adored

Louis MacNeice once wrote that if you want to know what chasing the Grail is like, ask Lancelot not Galahad.…

6 Nov 2021

A wife for King Lear — J.R. Thorp imagines another Lady Macbeth

Shakespeare wastes no time on Lear’s backstory; we meet the brutal old autocrat as he divides his kingdom between two…

6 Nov 2021

Dark days in the Balkans: life under Enver Hoxha and beyond

For many in the West, Albania remains as remote and shadowy as the fictional Syldavia of the Tintin comics. The…

6 Nov 2021

What motivates Peter Thiel apart from the desire for more wealth?

If you’ve only heard one thing about Peter Thiel (and many have heard nothing at all) it is that he…

6 Nov 2021

Can the fiasco of the Dieppe Raid really be excused?

In my mother’s final days we had a long conversation about the second world war. I asked if she’d ever…

6 Nov 2021

Love in a cold climate: Snow Country, by Sebastian Faulks, reviewed

In the months before the outbreak of the first world war, Anton Heideck arrives in Vienna. Family life offered him…

6 Nov 2021

The Great God Pan is all things to all men

Pan’s name is thought to derive from ‘paean’, the ancient Greek verb meaning ‘to pasture’. His half-man, half-goat form reflected…

6 Nov 2021

Homage to the greatest 18th-century poet you’ve never heard of

If you were to glance only briefly at the title of the Irish poet Doireann Ní Ghríofa’s prose debut you…