Write For Us


POLITICO Magazine is always looking to work with new writers from around the country and the world. Please send completed op-eds or pitches for magazine articles to [email protected] Include your contact information and a few lines about yourself. An editor will evaluate your idea and get back to you if it seems like a good fit.

Op-eds: As POLITICO’s home for outside expert analysis, the magazine aims to provoke and inspire, to be thoughtful and fair-minded, and to offer opinions from across the spectrum. We value original and counterintuitive arguments, deep expertise and timeliness. We tend to avoid narrow subjects or those with limited shelf lives—for example, committee hearings or highly specific regulation. We rarely take submissions from third parties, and authors are required to disclose up front any potential conflicts of interest. All of our op-eds must be exclusive.

Magazine articles: The magazine also publishes reporting- and research-based features, striving for smart, timely enterprise stories aimed at a broad, but well-informed national audience. What works for us? Big ideas; profiles of the major players influencing the political debate, or the backstage players who soon will; deep dives into the hidden forces shaping politics in a key state; new data or research that challenges the conventional wisdom; well-targeted book excerpts; smart, elevated media criticism; eye-opening historical narratives; unique first-person perspectives that change our understanding of current affairs. What doesn’t work? Talking points and partisan rants; pure speculation; your personal thoughts or feelings about politics; anything obvious or familiar. In your pitch, please make clear what new information you’ve gathered so far, what questions you would try to answer, and how you would go about reporting or researching the story.

More about POLITICO Magazine: Published daily on the web, POLITICO Magazine is POLITICO’s home for ambitious reporting and sharp analysis to help readers make sense of the day’s most important stories in American politics—and reveal those that should be on the national radar. We publish in-depth features, provocative argument from all political viewpoints, first-person perspectives, and powerful art and design, from the best writers, thinkers and visual journalists around the world. The magazine is POLITICO’s primary venue for outside bylines and expert opinion, as well as for the long-form narrative reporting of newsroom staffers.


If you have a pitch for an op-ed or article that is policy-focused—whether about technology, defense, agriculture, labor, education or other issues—it might be better suited for The Agenda. Please send your idea to [email protected] Guidelines, standards and expectations are similar to those for Politico Magazine, above. Preference will be given to fresh or unexpected policy arguments driven by new data, as opposed to familiar ideological positions and endorsements of existing ideas.

More about The Agenda: The Agenda is POLITICO’s online home for big-picture reporting and analysis about policy. In signature magazine-style packages that tackle a single topic, as well as daily reporting and commentary from key players, The Agenda gives readers a smart, accessible window into the policy issues they need to understand now and the big ideas that could shape the conversation next. Like POLITICO Magazine, it is a vehicle both for outside opinion and for the in-depth reporting of our own newsroom.