WIPO Magazine

The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property (IP), creativity and innovation at work across the world. The print edition is published quarterly. Additional online features are published periodically.

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Cover of the latest edition of the WIPO Magazine

Current issue

September 2021


IP at Work

(Photo: © Courtesy of Corbana)

The Banano de Costa Rica Geographical Indication: Supporting Environmental Sustainability

Banana production is extremely important to Costa Rica’s economy, one of the world’s top banana-exporting nations. In 2011, the Banano de Costa Rica became the country’s first registered geographical indication (GI), which reflects the distinctive quality of the fruit and producers’ strong commitment to social and environmental sustainability.

(Photo: © Courtesy of Ivana Maglione)

Global publishing post-COVID: an interview with Bodour Al Qasimi

President of the International Publishers’ Association, Sheika Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi discusses the challenges confronting publishers in the post-COVID era.

Search within the full HTML archive of the WIPO Magazine (2005 to present) and digital-only features.

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WIPO Magazine – Articles and features showing intellectual property, creativity and innovation at work worldwide. Four per year.

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