Configuring Push to Deploy

Server > Site > Git

When you enable Push to Deploy for your Git site a Deployment URL will be automatically generated for you. You need to configure your Git provider to send a POST request to this URL to trigger a deployment (normally after a push). A deployment will pull the latest changes from your Git repository to the site on your server and optionally run a deployment script afterwards (if you have it configured).

Here are some instructions for configuring your Deployment URL with some popular Git providers:


At your GitHub repository navigate to Settings > Webhooks > Add Webhook.

Webhooks to Add Webhooks

  • Enter the generated Deployment URL in the Payload URL field.
  • Set the Content type to “application/json”.
  • Leave the Secret field blank.
  • Leave the other setting as their defaults.

After hitting “Add webhook” you can go back to configuring your site. The next time you push code to your repository a deployment should be automatically triggered in SpinupWP.


At your GitLab repository navigate to Settings > Integrations.

  • Enter the generated Deployment URL in the URL field.
  • Leave the Secret Token field blank.
  • Leave the other setting as their defaults.

After hitting “Add webhook” you can go back to configuring your site. The next time you push code to your repository a deployment should be automatically triggered in SpinupWP.


At your BitBucket repository navigate to Settings > Webhooks > Add Webhook.

GitLab Integrations

  • Add a Title.
  • Enter the generated Deployment URL in the URL field.
  • Leave the other setting as their defaults.

After hitting “Save” you can go back to configuring your site. The next time you push code to your repository a deployment should be automatically triggered in SpinupWP.

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