10Web Player for YouTube – Youtube Player and Gallery


World’s Leading YouTube Plugin to display YouTube videos, YouTube channels, and playlists on your website

Useful Links:

Live Demo

Premium 10Web YouTube

Special Offer for all Premium Plugins

Is there no simple way to showcase YouTube videos?

Can’t customize YouTube’s look to match your website?

Having trouble dealing with YouTube’s limited default functionality?

10Web YouTube Features

Enable your plugin and display YouTube videos in minutes.

Great gallery views to organize and display videos.

5 beautiful views to showcase your video galleries: Thumbnails, List, Carousel, Table and Blog Style.

A wide variety loading effects for your gallery: Fade In, Scale Up, Flip, Pop up etc.

Display video and channel info, such as titles, descriptions, comments, likes, and more.

With a single click, visitors can share your videos to social media websites.

Use the default theme or create customized ones to match your website.

Change the height and width of the videos, player alignment, progress bar color, and more.

Receive user reports on played videos, impressions, playlists, and channels.

* Premium version only

World Class Customer Support

  • Low response time
    We always respond within a few hours.
  • Quick issue resolution
    Resolving an issue never takes more than 24 hours.


had been using this plugin for sometime and I found it to be very awesome.
Easy to use and of cause it help to bring my youtube channel live in my very own website.
This plugin also can specified a particular play list from my channel.
That is indeed something make easy. So far I had no problem with the plugin.
Bravo to the creator!
by @augustine-the-researcher

I want to congratulate the team, who has created this amazing product.
Thanks for caring to create so many options for us to make the look 100% configurable.
The ability to create video galleries with multiple effects is really game changer for me.
by @jonathan002

I used to add videos from YouTube one by one with their default custom code.
Not that bad of an option, until I found this plugin. Using it I embed the entire playlist, plus skip those unnecessary overload of information coming with YouTube.
Thank you!
by @emilyjoshh

Premium version adds

  • Fully Customizable Themes and Theme Options
  • Expanded Settings to Configure YouTube Embeds
  • Advanced Player and Gallery Options
  • Infinite Scroll Loading Type
  • 5 Display Layouts
  • 9 Loading Effects for Galleries
  • Scheduled Caching for the best YouTube Embed Performance


  • 10Web YouTube - Youtube gallery
  • 10Web YouTube - Thumbnails View
  • 10Web YouTube - Single Video
  • 10Web YouTube - Edit Embed Video settings
  • 10Web YouTube - Edit Theme


Thank you for your interest in 10Web YouTube.

Minimum requirements.

  • WordPress 3.9+
  • PHP 5.x
  • MySQL 5.x

Perform a new installation

After downloading the ZIP file of the 10Web YouTube plugin,

  1. Log in to the administrator panel.
  2. Go to Plugins Add > New > Upload.
  3. Click “Choose file” (“Browse”) and select the downloaded zip file of the 10Web YouTube plugin.
    For Mac Users
    Go to your Downloads folder and locate the folder with the 10Web YouTube. Right-click on the folder and select Compress. Now you have a newly created .zip file which can be installed as described here.
  4. Click “Install Now” button.
  5. Click “Activate Plugin” button for activating the 10Web YouTube.
  6. If the installation does not succeed, please contact us at [email protected].


What can I achieve with 10Web YouTube plugin?

10Web YouTube is a modern and multi-functional plugin created for integrating YouTube videos, channels and playlists into your WordPress sites.

Just a few clicks, and you can add them into your website without a hassle. Its large variety of settings and theme options let you to entirely customize the display of your YouTube video, channel and playlist.

How do I configure YouTube API key?

Let’s start setting up an API key, which will give you full access to plugin’s options. You will still be able to use 10Web YouTube without this key, however, there are limitations on its settings.

Navigate to Google API Console, then click Library menu item from left sidebar. Find and open YouTube Data API.

Press Enable button from the top to turn on the API for YouTube.

Afterwards click on Credentials menu item to open the dashboard of API keys. Press Create Credentials button, then select API Key option. The key will be generated.

Copy it to API Key option of 10Web YouTube in its Settings page and click Apply.

Can I install 10Web YouTube through FTP?

The plugin can be uploaded to your website with FTP the following way.

Firstly, uncompress .zip installation file of 10Web YouTube plugin (/wd-youtube). Afterwards, connect to your website server using an FTP client software, for example, Filezilla.

Navigate to /wp-content/plugins directory of your website, and upload /wd-youtube folder here.

After the upload is finished, go to Plugins page from WordPress dashboard of your website, find 10Web YouTube and click Activate.

I downloaded the plugin on Mac, and cannot access the .zip file. What should I do?

Safari browser unzips archived files upon download. You can find the uploaded package from Downloads folder of your computer.

Right-click on /wd-youtube folder and select Compress. The plugin package will be saved as a .zip file, which you can install from Plugins page of your WordPress site.

How do I embed YouTube Video, Playlist or Channel?

Click on 10Web YouTube link from WordPress dashboard menu, afterwards hit Add New to start configuring your first YouTube entry. Provide a unique Title for it, then select the Type of the entry. It can be one of the following:

  • Single Video
  • Playlist
  • Channel

In case of choosing Single Video or Playlist, simply copy their full link to URL or Search by Title option. You can also search the video/playlist by typing its title on YouTube.

If you selected Channel option, embed it to your website using Search by Title input. Alternatively, you can provide Channel ID of your YouTube channel. It can be identified by the your YouTube Username, or the Channel ID. For instance, in the following YouTube link:


WebDorado88 is the username of Web-Dorado YouTube channel. Similarly, in this channel link prototype:


UCgj_stuJW9al8qC0mF1ZhaA is the channel ID.

After adding the YouTube video, playlist or channel link, make sure Published option for it is set to Yes. Afterwards hit Save or Apply to keep the modifications. You can also Save as copy or Cancel, in case you do not wish to continue configuring this entry.

10Web YouTube plugin lets you check all the changes you make with its Preview section. This lets you have a clear image of how your YouTube video, playlist or channel is going to display on front-end of your site.

Simply press Reload button after modifying an option, and the changes will be demonstrated.

Can I personalize general features of 10Web YouTube entries?

10Web YouTube plugin comes with a large variety of options, which let you fully personalize and showcase your YouTube videos, channel or playlists in a unique way.

Open your YouTube embed, where you will find the following General Options.

Select Theme. This setting lets you choose the theme from 10Web YouTube themes, which is going to be used on current YouTube entry. The default theme is pre-selected.

Show Main Video Info. With this option you can enable or disable the following attributes from the embedded YouTube video, playlist or channel:

  • Published Date
  • Title
  • Description
  • Views Count
  • Likes
  • Dislikes
  • Comments Count
  • Likes Ratio
  • Comments
  • Channel Logo
  • Channel Title
  • Subscribe Button

Comments Count Per Page. Indicates the initial number of displayed comments under your 10Web YouTube entry. You can have up to 50 comments on each page. The rest will load upon clicking Show More button, when you already have embedded the YouTube video, playlist or channel on a WordPress post.

Enable Share Buttons. If activated, this setting will place a social sharing block under your YouTube entry. These buttons include the following social networks:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google Plus
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter

Show Main Video Info by default. In case this option is enabled, the main description and published date of your YouTube video, playlist or channel will appear along when you add it into a page or post.

Show Main Video Title as Youtube Link. Enabling this setting lets you redirect users to the link of the YouTube page of your video, playlist or channel upon clicking on its title.

Note: In order to display the main video info in a playlist or channel, and link the title to their page on YouTube, you need to enable Show Gallery from Gallery Options.

Show Channel Info/Show Playlist Info. You can choose which elements to show or hide on channels and playlists. You can mark all necessary items from the following options to display them on front-end:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Logo
  • Banner
  • Videos Count
  • Views Count
  • Subscribers Count
  • Subscribe Button
  • Published (for Playlist only)

Show Channel Title as Youtube Link/Show Playlist Title as Youtube Link. Turn this option on if you wish to place the YouTube link to your channel or playlist on the title of your 10Web YouTube entry.

How can I customize YouTube player attributes?

Player Options of 10Web YouTube plugin let you configure the display of YouTube player in particular. You can alter the dimensions of it, customize the progress bar, enable or disable relative videos and much more.

The following features can be modified:

  • Width and Height
  • Player Alignment
  • Autohide
  • Autoplay
  • Progress Bar Color
  • Controls
  • Fullscreen
  • Looping
  • Relative Videos
  • Video Info
  • Keyboard Commands
  • YouTube Icon
  • Annotations
  • Localization
  • Closed Captions
  • iOS Playback
  • Origin (extra security measure)
  • Wmode
  • Initial Volume
  • Video Quality
  • Video Start
  • Video End

Is it possible display video list as a gallery?

In case you are embedding a YouTube channel or playlist, 10Web YouTube plugin lets you showcase the videos in an elegant and unique-looking gallery. When gallery view is enabled, the grid with channel or playlist videos will appear along with the main video.

Turn on gallery view by setting Show Gallery option to Yes and configure the following options for its outstanding display.

Gallery View Type. Choose the display type of your playlist/channel gallery. 10Web YouTube plugin provides these spectacular video gallery structures:

  • Thumbnails
  • List
  • Carousel
  • Table
  • Blog Style

Max. Number of Columns. Set the maximum number of columns, which will be used for displaying your YouTube gallery thumbnails in Thumbnails View.

Gallery Position. Select the position of your YouTube video gallery. It can be set to display above or below the main video of your YouTube channel or playlist.

Thumbnails Min Width. Specify the minimum width (in pixels) of your YouTube gallery thumbnails. Maximum recommended value of this option is 1280 pixels.

Items Count Per Page. Set the number of videos which will be displayed on one page of YouTube video gallery.

Gallery View Type. This setting indicates the pagination type your YouTube video gallery will use. Three options are available:

  • Pagination: places regular pagination buttons with next and previous page links.
  • Load More Button: adds a button, clicking on which will load the next set of videos.
  • Infinite Scroll: loads the next set of videos upon mouse scroll.

Pagination Prev. Button Text. You can provide the text for Previous button with this setting. In case you wish to only have arrows, leave the option value blank.

Pagination Next Button Text. Similarly, this option sets the text for Next button with this setting. If you need to only have arrows for pagination, leave the option value blank.

Order By. Choose the parameter based on which your YouTube videos will be ordered in your gallery. There are 6 available options:

  • Relevance
  • Date
  • Rating
  • Title
  • Comments Count
  • View Count

Order Direction. Specify the type of ordering based on Order By parameter. It can be set to Ascending (Asc) or Descending (Desc).

Show Searchbox. Enable this option to have a searchbox placed on your YouTube video gallery.

Gallery Video Display Mode. Select a display option for playing videos from your YouTube gallery. You can choose on of the following:

  • Iframe option will replace the main video with the one you click on, and play it within an iframe.
  • Popup opens the YouTube video in a lightbox. It also places next/previous arrows, which let you navigate through the videos directly from the popup.
  • Inline option will play the video in the same box, as its thumbnail.
  • Youtube will redirect to YouTube page of the video which the user clicks.

Show Additional Info. This setting lets you enable or disable additional information from your videos. It will be added under each video thumbnail. You can choose the following parameters to appear:

  • Published At
  • Title
  • Description
  • Views Count
  • Likes
  • Dislikes
  • Comments Count
  • Duration

Description Max Length. This parameter indicates the maximum number of characters, which will be used for creating an excerpt from YouTube video description.

Gallery Loading Effects. Select one of the following effects to load gallery videos with. They will be triggered upon scrolling the page down.

  • None
  • Fade In
  • Move Up
  • Scale Up
  • Fall Perspective
  • Fly
  • Flip
  • Helix
  • Pop Up

Can I modify global options of the plugin?

Settings page of 10Web YouTube lets you configure main options of the plugin. Firstly, you can add or update the API key from 10Web YouTube Settings.

The following settings are also available:

Enable Caching. Turn on this setting to boost the speed of your YouTube video, playlist or channel. The content will be cached based on Cache Time (hours), and it will be refreshed after reaching the time limit.

Show Deleted Video Thumbnails. Enabling this setting will include the thumbnails of deleted videos in your YouTube gallery.

Add Video SEO Tags. This option lets you enable meta keywords and descriptions for the videos. They are used for proper crawling and indexation by search engines.

Facebook Open Graph Markup. Add Open Graph markup to your YouTube entries. This recommended to enable for Facebook sharing, it will set the video thumbnail as the post image.

Make sure to hit Apply after modifying these settings.

Is it possible to change the appearance of YouTube embeds?

10Web YouTube Pro version provides Themes page with a large variety of options for customizing the display of YouTube videos, channels and playlists integrated to your website.

It includes colors, font size, padding options for different elements of YouTube entries. The settings are divided to the following sections:

  • Main Video / Blog Style
  • Channel / Playlist Header
  • Thumbnails
  • List
  • Carousel
  • Table
  • Blog Style
  • Pagination

These options allow you to fully modify the look of your YouTube entries, and have them published on your website in an outstanding and unique way. Click on each section header to change theme options and hit Save or Apply too keep the modifications.

How do I insert a YouTube embed into pages or posts?

Edit one of the existing pages/posts, or add new, where you will insert the shortcode of your YouTube entry. Click Insert 10Web YouTube button with YouTube icon to open shortcode toolbox.

Use Select YouTube Feed dropdown menu to choose which YouTube entry to add to your page or post. A quick preview of it will be visible on the right side of shortcode popup. Click Insert to place 10Web YouTube shortcode on the page/post.

Press Publish/Update button to save the page, then hit View Page to see the results on your website front-end.

Can I publish videos as widgets?

10Web YouTube also lets you publish your YouTube embed on widget areas. Go to Appearance > Widgets to configure the widget. Find 10Web YouTube from right side of the page, then drag it to necessary widget area.

Write a Title for your 10Web YouTube widget, and use Select Embed dropdown menu to choose your video, playlist or channel. You can set Width and Height for the widget, additionally, the plugin allows you have extra text above and/or below 10Web YouTube embed.

Don’t forget to hit Save after making the changes.

Does the plugin have statistics for YouTube embeds?

10Web YouTube plugin provides a specific reports page dedicated to statistics for your 10Web YouTube entries. The plugin records number of plays, impressions, detect top played videos and more.

In addition, you can select a date range and display information about activities, which took place during that particular time frame.

Reports are divided to the following 5 panels. Click on their titles to view statistics section by section.

  • View Activity
  • Impressions vs Plays
  • Top Played Videos
  • Deleted Content
  • Blocked Countries


January 14, 2021
This plugin might be good, but from the free version I would not know. I have run into simple problems and the support has been a joke and an insult. The support has only responded once to any issue I have brought up, and has failed to help resolve any issue. I have seen that support does not even read the entire paragraph when reporting an issue, and then never respond a second time to the issue. This plugin has videos permanently muted when viewing my website using a cell phone, the videos are unable to be unmuted when viewed on cell phones. I was told this was a problem in the YouTube settings, but never told where these settings exist because as I said, support never replies more than once to an issue.
September 2, 2020
This is a great youtube player. Thank you, guys!
Read all 36 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“10Web Player for YouTube – Youtube Player and Gallery” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Fixed: Minor Bug.


  • Fixed: YouTube Player API Reference.


  • Fixed: Compatibility with WP 5.5.
  • Changed: Open Generate new API Key in new tab.
  • Fixed: Compatibility with Classic Editor.
  • Fixed Deprecated functions


  • Fixed: Blocking issue with jetpack.
  • Fixed: Playlist videos playing.


  • Added: Widget for Elementor.


  • Fixed: Minor bug


  • Fixed: Security issues


  • Changed: Links to 10Web


  • Fixed: Gutenberg integration


  • Added: Gutenberg integration
  • Fixed: Multisite support
  • Added: Option to add GDPR compliance required checkbox on the front end.


  • Fixed: Conflict with team wd


  • Changed: Deactivation popup
  • Added: Support forum link


  • Added: Multisite support
  • Changed: WebDorado links.
  • Added: Support forum and Review links.


  • Added: Notice to install Backup WD plugin


  • Fixed: Updated library to prevent conflict with PHP version 7


  • Added: Generate YouTube API key button


  • Fixed: JS error on shortcode editor pop-up


  • Added: Russian translation


  • Added: Version to js and css


  • Changed: Admin header
  • Fixed: Issue on videos load


  • Added: Helper bar


  • Fixed: Minor bug


  • Added: Overview page
  • Changed: Deactivation


  • Fixed: Bug on php 5.3


  • Changed: api key error msg


  • Fixed: Loading gif
  • Fixed: Playlist space issue
  • Fixed: Gallery first video not found issue


  • Fixed: Cross origin issue


  • Fixed: Bug on update


  • Initial version