Responsive Block Editor Addons


Unleash your creativity with the advanced Gutenberg editor blocks library. Within minutes create modern responsive designs for all devices. Use reusable block page templates to kickstart your website in no time.

Checkout the Gutenberg blocks demos to see it live in action

Easily choose your favorite templates to launch your websites in no time. You can also pick any of the advanced blocks with completely customizable settings to make your own creative templates.

With more than 20+ creative blocks for Gutenberg you can design beautiful pages without writing a single line of code. The settings are easy to customize your own unique look.

Responsive Gutenberg Blocks Editor Addons Library

  1. Advanced Columns : You can build beautiful column layouts with Advanced Columns block. It gives you easily customizable columns with a variety of options. You can use the block options to define the number of columns or create beautiful column layouts for the row and columns. It comes with shape dividers, custom widths, background designs, colours and spacing options. You can also embed other blocks like testimonials inside the columns.
  2. Post Carousel : You can embed your popular posts or any category of posts in modern looking carousels. You’ll manage post display settings and content formats to display.
  3. Post Grid : The Post Grid block fetches the blog posts on your website and displays them in a grid layout. You can also customize the order of your posts, and manage settings like the featured image, content, etc.
  4. Testimonial : Use the Testimonial block to display some amazing client reviews in a carousel layout.
  5. Shape-Divider : The Shape Divider Block allows you to create a visually beautiful transition between your content with an optional divider. You can easily create customizable section dividers with Shape Divider block.
  6. Post-Timeline : The Post Timeline block helps you design beautiful and responsive timelines that will display your posts or events in an ordered list according to the dates they are published on. You can also customize the content for each blog post.
  7. Icon-List : Create impressive lists on your website. Design your own styled lists. Pick your favorite icons or images to highlight items. Use this to create checklists, feature lists, or any other items on your pages.
  8. Flip-Box : Use transformation effects to catch the eye of your website visitors. The Flip Box block allows you to create stunning animated content that flips on hover. Use icons and images with an additional content on the front and back sides of flip boxes.
  9. Multi Buttons : Easy to use to buttons groups with impressive button designs. Easily add multiple buttons within a block. Useful to highlight your main features or services with buttons to guide your user to the next level of pages. Using this multi button block you can add many buttons within your content.
  10. Advanced Heading : Get complete control on your headings. Style your typography (Fonts, sizes, spacing, line heights). Highlight your page headings with this block.
  11. Pricing table : Create impressive pricing tables to provide comparison of features. You can also create a professional price list easily.
  12. Call-to-Action : Make your marketing pages effective by using the stunning designs of Call To Action button block for Gutenberg. Add visually effective CTAs easily with Gutenberg block editor. Easily grab visitors’ attention to interact and take action.
  13. Info-Box : Design creative and informative boxes with image, heading and subheading. You can now display information about features on your website in elegant info boxes. It saves time for your visitors to quickly understand the gist of your site services or products.
  14. Count up : Show animated statistics in a Count Up block. It’s ideal to showcase the count of clients or portfolio or reviews in an animated way. The counter will count up to your designated number when the page is visited.
  15. Team : Build a perfect team showcase with this block. Control and customize their profile picture, name, brief description and also add links to their social profiles. A professionally designed block to showcase your team to potential customers or investors.
  16. Blockquote : Easily embed and customize quotes in your posts.. You can change quote styles and various other customization options are provided to make your favorite quotes standout on your blog post.
  17. Accordion : Display information in collapsible rows. This block can be used to display content such as FAQs or to show descriptive content if your site visitor wishes to see it.

More Gutenberg blocks coming soon!

Ready-to-use starter website templates for Gutenberg

Starter website templates help you with a faster launch. These have been designed considering the ideal layout for your niche – you can import, change content and launch or modify the layouts after import. Get beautifully designed ready-site templates that are built using Gutenberg, Responsive Gutenberg Blocks Library, and the Responsive theme. These templates can be easily imported and customized to change the look and feel of your website.

Gutenberg Website Demos


  • Advanced Columns
  • Info Box
  • Icon List Block
  • Testimonial Block
  • Shape Divider Block
  • Post-TimeLine Block


This plugin provides 25 blocks.

Pricing Table
Call To Action
Post Timeline
Image Boxes
Multi Buttons
Buttons Child
Expand/Show More
Responsive Block Editor Addons
Info Block
Count Up
Content Timeline
Advanced Heading
Responsive Post and Page Grid
Advance Columns
Icons List
Icons List Child


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload the plugin zip from admin & Activate the plugin


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Contributors & Developers

“Responsive Block Editor Addons” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



1.0.2 – 28th July 2020

  • Gutenberg Blocks – Card Block, Call to Action, Advanced Heading Block, Accordion Block, Team Members Block, Expand / Show More Block , Blockquote Block, Image Slider, Content Timeline

1.0.1 – 20th July 2020

  • Gutenberg Blocks – Icon List, Post Timeline, Flipbox, Divider, Count Up Block, Gallery Masonry, Button Groups, Spacer, Info Box, Section, Image Box

1.0.0 – 24th June 2020

  • Initial Plugin Release – Gutenberg Blocks – Advance Columns, Post Carousel, Post Grid, Testimonial