• SEO 101: How to Get Started with SEO Today | Seattle WordPress Bloggers

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    Do you find SEO to be confusing and have a hard time understanding what it is and how to apply it to your blog or website?

    Local Blogger Marissa Pedersen is going to be our featured guest for November's meetup and is going to cut through the technical jargon and help us understand the basics of search engine optimization

    Marissa is the popular blogger behind the Postcards to Seattle travel blog.

    Note: This event is one week sooner than usual as normally it would be on Thanksgiving weekend.

    RSVP to get the Zoom link. Hope to see you then!


    Are you a blogger and/or DIY (do-it-yourselfers) looking to connect with others who are interested in building WordPress websites and blogs? Then this group may be for you!

    We meet once a month to discuss what we're working on, help each other on any problems we're having, and share tips on steps that can make life easier.

    This group is primarily bloggers with some experience with WordPress and blogging. If you are BRAND NEW to WordPress, we'd love to see you. We also recommend attending the WordPress Fundamentals MeetUp (meets on the third Saturday of most months), which will introduce you to this great platform and get you started on your path to blogging/website management.

    The DIY User Group meets on the last Saturday of each month. We hope you can join us and will spread the word. There's plenty of free parking at the Wallingford Senior Center.

    I'm brand new to WordPress, is this the right MeetUp for me?
    If you are new to WordPress, check out the WordPress Fundamentals Meetup. This is a great place to get an introduction to WordPress. Of course, we'd love to have you too.

    Is this MeetUp only for Bloggers?
    Nope! If you are a professional creating sites for clients, we'd love to have you join us to share your expertise and advice. Also, please be sure to join our Freelancer Meetup on the first Thursday of each month 10-12 AM.


    If you're interested in building a big blog and/or monetization, I've found these resources to be useful:

    1. Income School YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCytOqtKYpACcWMD14UjhSeQ
    2. ProBlogger Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/probloggercom/
    3. BackLinko YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/backlinko
    4. Neil Patel YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/neilvkpatel
    5. Seattle WordPress Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WPSeattle/

  • Virtual: WordPress Fundamentals

    Link visible for attendees

  • WP Freelancers Meetup

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    Do you make your living using WordPress to create websites for other people’s businesses? This new Meetup is for you! We are not about themes or plugins, rather we'll talk about aspects of having a freelance business based in WP. We’ll discuss the successes and challenges of running a small business, share stories, ask questions, share tools & resources, brainstorm ideas and generally create community for those of us who typically work in isolation.

    We normally meet on the first Thursday of each month from 10-noon at the Wallingford Good Shepherd Center, Room 221. It’s not far from the freeway and has free parking. We will be meeting virtually for the forseeable future.

    PS – Please note that this Meetup is specifically for those with a freelance business that relies on WordPress and not intended for those who have their business website made in WordPress. There are many other Meetups for WordPress users.

    Use this link to join the Seattle WP Slack Group (https://wpseattleslack.wordpress.com/) and then you can interact with the group in the Business Channel. We post all our Freelancer minutes on our website at: https://wpseattle.org/category/freelancers-meetup/

    Please join our new FaceBook Group as well: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wpseattle

  • WordPress Developer Meetup: Topic TBD

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  • WordPress Help Desk Meetup

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  • Canceled! See you in 2023!

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  • WP Freelancers Meetup

    Link visible for attendees


    Do you make your living using WordPress to create websites for other people’s businesses? This new Meetup is for you! We are not about themes or plugins, rather we'll talk about aspects of having a freelance business based in WP. We’ll discuss the successes and challenges of running a small business, share stories, ask questions, share tools & resources, brainstorm ideas and generally create community for those of us who typically work in isolation.

    We normally meet on the first Thursday of each month from 10-noon at the Wallingford Good Shepherd Center, Room 221. It’s not far from the freeway and has free parking. We will be meeting virtually for the forseeable future.

    PS – Please note that this Meetup is specifically for those with a freelance business that relies on WordPress and not intended for those who have their business website made in WordPress. There are many other Meetups for WordPress users.

    Use this link to join the Seattle WP Slack Group (https://wpseattleslack.wordpress.com/) and then you can interact with the group in the Business Channel. We post all our Freelancer minutes on our website at: https://wpseattle.org/category/freelancers-meetup/

    Please join our new FaceBook Group as well: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wpseattle

  • WordPress Developer Meetup: Topic TBD

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    6:00pm: Welcome
    6:05pm: Introductions/Ice-Breaker
    6:15pm: Spotlight Presentation
    6:30pm: Topic TBD
    6:55pm: Wrap-up

    Meeting will be in Zoom. A link will be in the Meetup event once you RSVP.

    All are welcome to attend but please note: we do have a tendency to talk about some technical/developer topics. If you are looking for some less developer-focused topics, you may want to attend one of our many other Meetups each month.

  • WordPress Help Desk Meetup

    Link visible for attendees

    Want help with your WordPress site, or want to help others?

    This is the place to come for learning and help getting over a hurdle. Bring be ready to share your question, or help others with their questions.

    You can join our Zoom meeting either by computer, tablet, or cell phone. Once you've downloaded the Zoom app you can opt to join a test meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom.

    ——— The Help Desk Meetup ———

    Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month, and is intended for a wide audience: from new WordPress users to experienced bloggers, cutting edge designers, or advanced developers; all are welcome.

    The Seattle WordPress Meetup is a free, non-judgmental place for people of any skill level, interest, or background to come and learn, share, and participate in our amazing WordPress community.

    —— AGENDA ——

    6:30 pm - Welcome

    Attendee Self-introductions -
    Be ready to introduce yourself and a question in 15 sec:

    • Name
    • Affiliation (name of your business, website, etc.)
    • Expertise (developer, designer, blogger, etc.)
    • 1 question (optional, but encouraged!)

    Vote via Zoom Poll to choose a few questions/topics to address. Bring your smile and patience. We’ll do our best.

    Meeting ends 8:30


    • Matt Woicik (Emcee & Co-Host)
    • Leslie Newman (Co-Host)

    —— More About the Help Desk Meetup ——

    Not Just Technical Help!

    Our community is full of members with a broad range of expertise from building sites, to front and back-end development, hosting, strategy, UX and design, SEO and analytics, social networking, to project and business management.

    Bring your non-technical questions and expertise, too!

    Come Help Others!

    If you don't need help, please come anyway! We want to add your voice, skills, and experience to the conversation. Besides, we just like your company! :)

    Have fun sharing your thoughts, debating with your peers, and yes, marketing yourself and making friends as you help others over their hurdles.

    Remember: if you've been doing WordPress for 2 days, you can help the person who's been doing it for 1 day.


    Thanks to our sponsors:

    • WordPress Foundation
    • A2 Hosting


    —— WP Seattle Community ——

    Want to know more about WordPress goings on in the area?

    Check out the community website!


    —— Join the WP Seattle Slack Community! ——

    Want to reach community members outside of a meetup? Join our slack team! (https://wpseattleslack.wordpress.com/)

    Follow this link, and request an invite:

    Slack is a free online community chat service. We have a helpful community, and several channels to organize your messages.

  • Virtual: WordPress Fundamentals

    Link visible for attendees

    **** Please note New Day and Time! ****

    Are you new to WordPress? A non-dev not sure where to start or stuck on a problem? Come get an introduction to WordPress and get some questions answered. We can help you figure out the difference between pages and posts, plugins and themes, or WordPress.com and WordPress.org.