In this article we see a billboard whose most conspicuous feature is this word:


How is this to be understood?

  • Makes sense to me. When (if that ever happens) the real estate goes down, the rent should go down. This otherwise defeats the point of lowering the real estate tax.
    – Joshua
    4 hours ago

The billboard is showing an advertisement for the Berliner newspaper Der Tagesspiegel. The full text reads


Wie das nach der Wahl alles zusammen funktionieren soll. Bei uns erfahren Sie es.

The text in smaller print could be translated as

How all that is supposed to work at the same time, after the election. At ours you'll learn it.


How all those topics are supposed to be addressed at the same time, after the election. In our newspaper you can learn about it.

So, the parts of the compound "Steuertemperaturmietensenkung" are actually meant to be incongrous. The ad plays with the German tendency to string along nouns into long and longer compounds. But these compounds seemingly don't work together at the same time - but the new government has to address all those problems at the same time. The ad invites you to buy the Tagesspiegel to read all about it ;)

  • 7
    It might be helpful to mention that there are currently three parties trying to form a government coalition, one of which is associated with wanting to lower taxes (FDP), one with protecting the environment, I.e. lowering global temperature, (Greens) and one with social programs like lowering rents (SPD). And the word tying this word amalgamation together is "senkung" (lowering)
    – Graipher
    17 hours ago
  • 1
    I think the word makes perfect sense. In Sweden, heating up to a certain temperature is often included in the rent, above that the tenant pays. This gives an incentive to landlords to improve insulation, resolving the problem that tenants pay the energy bill whereas landlords have no incentive to improve insulation. :-)
    – gerrit
    11 hours ago

Das Wort soll keinen Sinn ergeben. Die Zeile darunter lautet:

Wie das nach der Wahl alles zusammen funktionieren soll. Bei uns erfahren sie es.

Es wurden bewusst Wörter so aneinander gereiht, dass das Ergebnis keinen Sinn ergibt.

Der Tagesspiegel, von dem die Anzeige stammt, ist eine Berliner Tageszeitung.

  • Ich hatte übrigens gesehen, dass die Frage auf Englisch gestellt ist, aber auch, dass der Fragesteller schon eine Weile deutsche Bücher liest.
    – Carsten S
    20 hours ago

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