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WordPress Auto-oppdateringer


UPDATE: This feature plugin was merged in WordPress Core on August 11, 2020, with WordPress 5.6.

Hensikten med denne utvidelsen er å forberede den fremtidige funksjonen automatiske oppdateringer for utvidelser og tema.

Vennligst merk at koden i denne utvidelsen ikke er ment å lande i WordPress-kjernen «som den er». Den vil bli fullstendig omarbeidet før innlemming. Denne utvidelsen er ment for å diskutere prinsipper for auto-oppdatering og brukergrensesnitt.

I 2018 publiserte Matt Mullenweg 9 prosjekter å fokusere på for kjernen. Vi leverte ikke fullt så mange som håpet, men vi fikk gjort mye. Automatiske oppdateringer for tema og utvidelser var ett av de 9 prosjektene. Dette prosjektet er nå planlagt for WordPress 5.5 og denne funksjonalitetsutvidelsen er her for å hjelpe til med å oppnå dette.

For allle detaljer, se innlegget ‘Feature Plugin proposal’ publisert på bloggen Make/Core.

Ukentlige møtesammendrag:

Se også:

Dette prosjektet drives for tiden av Jb Audras og Paul Biron, det blir utviklet på GitHub.

Interessert i å bidra til utviklingen av denne utvidelsen? Bli gjerne med i kanalen #core-auto-updates til Slack-arbeidsgruppen Make WordPress. Vi holder ukentlige møter på Slack hver tirsdag kl 17:00 UTC.


  • Utvidelser - Auto-oppdateringer aktivert
  • Utvidelser - Tilgjengelige oppdateringer
  • Tema - Slå på auto-oppdateringer
  • Tema - Tilgjengelige oppdateringer
  • Oppdateringer - Tilgjengelige oppdateringer
  • Nettstedshelse - Auto-oppdateringer for tema og utvidelser
  • Eksempel på e-postvarsling


6. august, 2020
This is a really good idea. I like the way it's integrated in the plugin panel. Integration with Themes is a bit less convenient I have to go through all installed themes. It would be more convient to have the update option in the theme overview page.
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0.8.1 🍄

May 18, 2020
– Fix incorrect admin notice text when auto-updates are enabled for a plugin when JS is not enabled in the browser – #130
– Prevent multiple simultaneous requests – #131
– Strip plugins/themes that have been deleted from the site options just before they are updated – #132
– Copy the plugin’s site options to core’s site options on self-deactivation – #133
– fix typos and docs standards – #134

0.8.0 🐪

May 13, 2020
– Self-deactivate the plugin after the functionality has been merged to core – #123
– Remove auto-updates options when plugin is uninstalled – #125
– Use ES5 in the JS, because the core build tools barf on let and const#127
– More pre-merge cleanup – #124
– Add help tabs on update-core, plugins, and themes admin screens – #121
– Cleanup – #119
– I18n – Remove unnecessary concatenation – #117

0.7.0 🦢

May 6, 2020
– PHPCBF fixes – #114
– Remove constants from the feature plugin – #112
– Various i18n fixes/optimizations – #109
– Simplifies Ajax on both the JS and PHP sides – #103

0.6.0 🦋

April 22, 2020
– Add Ajax to Plugin and Themes Screen – #61
– Accessibility: Communicate AJAX enabling/disabling changes to screen readers – #85
– Add Better Handling to Ajax Errors – #90
– Prevent CSS from being enqueued on sub-site plugins & themes screens in multisite – #91

0.5.1 🦒

April 16, 2020
– Add the plugin version when enqueueing styles, for cache busting – #79

0.5.0 🦚

April 15, 2020
– Replace Disable strings with Disable auto-updates – #78
– Update confirmation message wording – #77
– Remove Automatic Updates column from the Network Admin > Sites > Edit > Themes screen – #76
– Replace «Enable» string with «Enable auto-updates» – #75
– Remove dashicons from the UI – #74
– Fix documentation and comment standards – #73
– Remove green and red colors on texts and links – #70
– Don’t display the Enable/Disable link in the Theme Details modal on a subsite in multisite – #68
– Documentation: Improve DocBlocks – #62
– I18n – Merge with similar string – #60
– Add filters and constant to allow developers to disable plugins and themes autoupdate email notifications – #57
– Switch disable link to red on Multisite Themes Screen – #54
– Wrong kick off year in readme.txt – #42

0.4.1 🍺

April 2, 2020
– Network > Sites > Edit > Themes screen doesn’t have the Autoupdates column – #50

0.4.0 🌹

March, 30, 2020
This release brings full support for Themes auto-updates.
It also changes the plugin structure to allow self deactivation when the feature gets merged into WordPress Core.
Please note: the development repository was also migrated from @audrasjb’s personal GitHub account to official GitHub account.
Other changes:
– Change plugin structure to ensure it can self-deactivate when the feature is merged into Core – #37
– Handle both themes and plugins email notifications – #36
– i18n: Merge similar translation strings – #35
– Add and populate Automatic updates column, add and handle enable/disable auto-updates bulk actions to the multisite themes list table – #33
– Avoid duplicate Updating… dialog – #32

0.3.0 🦉

March 16, 2020
– Add functions to handle plugins updates notification emails – #54
– Remove update time text after manual update – #43
– Ensure «Automatic Updates» column is not added if no content would be output in the column – #57
– Specific messages for delayed or disabled cron events – #58
– Prevent mis-match between count in Auto-updates Enabled view and the number of plugins displayed for that view by applying ‘all_plugins’ filter before computing that count. – #59

0.2.1 🐜

March 11, 2020
– Prevent «PHP Notice: Undefined index: plugin_status» when adding the autoupdates_column – #47
– Add plugin_status query arg to the enable/disable links in the Automatic Updates column – #48

0.2.0 🐝

March 6, 2020
– Remove auto-updates column from mustuse and dropins screens – #39
– Ensure the the enable/disable bulk actions appear in the dropdown and are handled in multisite – #38
– Remove dashicon from «Enable» text in plugins auto-updates column – #36
– Replace «Automatic Updates» with «Auto-updates» in filters – #35
– Display only filters with at least one available plugin – #33
– Remove setting from site option when deleting plugin – #32
– Populate site health with plugins auto-updates informations – #24
– In multisite, only add the «Automatic Updates» column on the plugins-network screen – #21
– Add auto-update-enabled and auto-update-disabled views on the plugins screen – #18

0.1.5 🐣

February 26, 2020
– Fix fatal error on PHP 7+
– Fix legacy notice classes
– Various tiny enhancements
– Replace required PHP version

0.1.4 👻

February 26, 2020
– Fix PHP warnings.

0.1.3 ☀️

February 25, 2020
– Replace all «autoupdate» occurrences with «auto-update» which is now the official wording.


February 23, 2020
– Add time to next update in Plugins screen.


February 19, 2020
* Fixes few PHP notices/warnings.


18. februar 2020
* Opprinnelig utgivelse