Support » Plugin: Two-Factor » E_COMPILE_ERROR

  • Resolved annzo


    Hi, i use Two-Factor-Plugin and iThemes Security Pro (Version 7.0.3), PHP-Version 7.4.19 and WordPress 5.8.1

    Since last week both plugins in combination cause the following E_COMPILE_ERROR even though Two-Factor-Addon in iThemes Pro is disabled (!) for all users.

    E_COMPILE_ERROR in line 13 /www/htdocs/********/********/wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/core/modules/two-factor/providers/class.two-factor-provider.php
    “Cannot declare class Two_Factor_Provider, because the name is already in use”

    iThemes do not have a suggested solution, since 2FA is disabled in their plugin. But they offer you a free developer copy if i send them your email-adress.

    Any ideas to solve the problem? Thanks!

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  • Plugin Author Kaspars


    The file path in the error message wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/core/modules/two-factor/providers/class.two-factor-provider.php indicates that the ithemes-security-pro plugin has bundled some version of the Two Factor plugin. PHP doesn’t allow files defining the same classnames to be loaded so there is no solution to this as far as I understand.

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