Support » Plugin: Widget Context » Compatibility with WP 5.8

  • Kompozitor


    I’ve just updated my stage site to WP 5.8 and it appears the plugin does not work properly with it.

    Do you intend to update the plugin for compatibility ?


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  • Plugin Author Kaspars


    Hi @kompoghp! Correct, the new Widget editing experience is not compatible with the Widget Context plugin. The easiest option to keep the Widget Context working would be to install the Classic Widgets plugin which will bring back the previous widget editing experience.

    Sorry for the trouble!



    I ran into the same issue, but your suggestion to use the Classic Widgets plugin works like a charm, thank you!

    However, I would also like to know if you plan on updating the plugin for compatibility with the new widget experience?

    Because the Classic Widgets plugin is scheduled to run out of support next year.
    (Even if they extend it, it won’t be indefinite and is therefore just a workaround.)

    Thank you!



    Hi there,

    Thank you Kaspars for information updated about Classic Widgets.
    But as @rhisflow mentioned above, Classic Widgets plugin is scheduled to run out of support next year.
    Any idea how to will be the plugin Widget Context after that?

    Thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter Kompozitor


    Hi Kaspars, thanks for your answer. That was the point of my question : classic widget plugin is only a temporary turnaround from the WP team.
    Much of my site design is based on your plugin. If you tell us you have plan for making it compatible with the new version of WP then I’ll wait for your development as I’m 100% satisfied with your plugin. Otherwise, I’ll have to switch to another solution as I wish to keep my website consistent over time.
    Thanks in advance for your answer

    Hi Kompzitor

    I’m in your camp, using Widget context, and relying on it…

    A little confused at the moment in terms of how to proceed

    Lets stay in touch

    cheers, Bruce

    Thread Starter Kompozitor


    Hi Kaspars,
    could you please update the plugins’ users about the future of widget context ?
    Will it be adapted to the gutenberg block widget new stardard ?

    Thanks in advance for your answer.



    Hi @kasparsd ,

    I think all of us would really appreciate if you could please at least answer our questions here regarding the plans and future of your plugin.

    It’s a bit odd that you simply stopped replying 3 months ago.

    Does your silence mean the plugin is already abandoned?

    As far as I’m concerned, I wouldn’t mind hearing you say the plugin will be sunset.

    As long as you’re being straightforward and honest with all of us and just tell us your plans.

    That way, we know where we stand and whether or not we should start looking into alternatives.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Kaspars


    Hey, all! I haven’t been able to dedicate time to this plugin due to personal reasons and I’m not sure when that will change. Overall, I plan to update the plugin as soon as possible.

    Until then, using the Classic Widgets plugin should be the temporary solution.

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Kaspars.
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