Support » Requests and Feedback » Missing link back to page and support

  • Not sure how this has been missed for over a decade, but i really hate how there is no way to go back to a theme’s page and specially to it’s support section (or to leave a review).

    At least with plugins there is hidden/berried way of getting there (View Details > Plugin Page > Support), why isn’t there a Support link in the description of each plugin ? please add one of those, there is plenty of room and plugin devs are constantly asking for reviews in annoying popups, so add a ‘Leave a Review’ link too.

    And add a ‘Support’ and a ‘Leave a Review’ link under each theme too.

    This should be fairly simple to do, the theme and plugin developers don’t even need to do anything.

    Actually there isn’t anything useful in the themes “details” page except for the 3 buttons, and could you not hide the Delete button inside there ? it’s annoying having to open the details page for 4-5 themes on each website to delete them.

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