‘Themes’ Videos

  • Ana Cirujano: Prototipar en Figma para desarrollar en WordPress

    WordPress Meetup GriñónSpeaker: Ana Cirujano

    July 25, 2020 — Ana Cirujano, diseñadora especializada en WordPress, nos va a explicar el proceso de diseño de una web que se va a implementar en WordPress.

    En esta charla, veremos un caso real en el que Ana se basará en un tema de WordPress para crear un diseño personalizado para una web. Para ello, utilizará la herramienta Figma.

    Esta charla va dirigida a diseñadores, implementadores, desarrolladores, que quieran aprender cómo se crea un prototipo con Figma que esté pensado desde un inicio para ser desarrollado con nuestro gestor de contenidos favorito: WordPress.

  • Michelle Schulp: Rethinking Themes – Embracing Atomic Design With Gutenberg

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Michelle Schulp

    July 8, 2020 — When designing WordPress themes, one of the biggest challenges stems from a core component of WordPress itself: the ability for site owners to change, modify, and build new content themselves. After all, modern web content needs to be flexible and evolving, but not everyone is a developer who can build custom layouts to fit each use case.
    As content and functionality become even more modular thanks to advances like the Gutenberg editor, theme designers will have to accommodate even more flexible ways of visualizing and presenting information. How do we anticipate and accommodate the needs of a constantly evolving website while providing visual solutions that are clean, thoughtful, and consistent?
    In this talk, we’ll discuss the principles of Atomic Design, how to stop thinking of your content as “pages” and “posts” in favor of the concept of “building blocks”, and how to extend this mindset to utilize the potential of Gutenberg as it is now, and where it might be going in the future.

  • Joe Querin: WordPress 101 (Session Two)

    WordCamp Kent 2020Speaker: Joe Querin

    June 27, 2020 — This is the second of a three-session WordPress 101 series. The talk begins with beginner-level advice for seeking support, and then for choosing themes and plugins. Intermediate-level topics follow for customizing WordPress with CSS, menus, custom post types and custom fields.

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  • Bill Erickson,Ellen Bauer, Beth Soderberg: Case Studies – How to Prepare your Theme for Gutenberg

    WPBlockTalk April 2020Speakers: Bill Erickson, Beth Soderberg, Ellen Bauer

    April 16, 2020 — “This session begins with three separate case studies – from Bill Erickson, Ellen Bauer, and Beth Soderberg – to help you prepare themes for Gutenberg and concludes in a tremendous panel discussion.

    Bill uses his time at the very beginning to show how to improve content management for clients by applying careful, thoughtful work to your themes. In the second presentation, Ellen talks about important considerations when working on themes that you plan to distribute to others (that is, themes you plan to sell or provide to a large audience for free). Then Beth helps us to build smarter starter themes using better default block styles and support.

    After the presentations, each speaker returns to participate in a panel discussion about the challenges and considerations they couldn’t cover in their separate presentations.”

  • Peace Onyehanere: Finding the Perfect Themes and Plugins

    WordCamp Mombasa 2019Speaker: Peace Onyehanere

    January 21, 2020 — Due to the availability of free and premium themes, it becomes difficult for people to choose the right theme for the creation of their websites/blogs. The need for education on the right themes for each type of website/blog is highly required as the number of websites built with the WordPress CMS is increasing with each day.

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  • Marta Torre: ¿Por qué lo llamamos plantilla cuando queremos decir tema?

    WordCamp Zaragoza 2020Speaker: Marta Torre

    January 20, 2020 — Una breve charla sobre qué es lo que son los temas y las plantillas de WordPress. Cuál es la diferencia de cada uno y cómo se crean.

  • Jessica Ortega: Always Source Responsibly – An Intro to Selecting Themes and Plugins

    WordCamp Seattle 2018Speaker: Jessica Ortega

    December 19, 2019 — Sourcing responsibly is crucial to the security, efficiency, and success of any WordPress site. Faced with millions of open source plugins and themes on the repository, how do you evaluate the add-ons you use to enhance your website? This introductory talk will go over best practices for ensuring you select the best and most necessary plugins for your website needs. I will also cover security basics, such as how to update your plugins and themes to ensure they don’t leave vulnerabilities on your website that could lead to being hacked.

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  • Anastassia Zukova: What You See Is NOT What You Get

    WordCamp Long Beach 2019Speaker: Anastassia Zukova

    November 13, 2019 — Anastassia Zukova discusses the impact site builders and builder themes have on quality, creativity, and dignity of the web design profession and the future of automation in digital design.

  • Sören Wrede: Die Zukunft von WordPress Themes

    WordCamp Stuttgart 2019Speaker: Sören Wrede

    November 10, 2019 — Die Art und Weise, wie WordPress Themes funktionieren, könnte sich in den nächsten Jahren verändern. Dieser Talk zeigt, welche neuen Möglichkeiten WordPress mit dem Gutenberg Projekt plant und bereits bietet. Darüber hinaus wird darauf eingegangen, welche Einflüsse Frameworks (AMP, Gatsby, Frontity), Schnittstellen (Graph QL) und neue Web-Standards haben können.

  • Abhishek Rijal: WordPress Automation tools, Develop WP Themes and plugins faster !!

    WordCamp Biratnagar 2018Speaker: Abhishek Rijal

    August 10, 2019 — Abhishek Rijal is a professional WordPress developer, primarily involved in WordPress theme and Plugin development. Currently Working as a Freelance Developer, he has been involved with Theme Review, WordPress themes and plugins support team, customizations, and development of WordPress based products.

    Abhishek is an active participant and contributor to the regular WordPress meet-ups and community events around Kathmandu. He has also participated in WordCamp Kathmandu 2016 as a Volunteer, WordCamp Kathmandu 2017 as a speaker and WordCamp Kathmandu 2018 as a Contributor’s day lead.

    While not working, he loves to travel around and explore new things. Additionally, he engages himself in different social service projects in Nepal as a member of Lions Club International.

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