‘blog’ Videos

  • Jessica Thiefels: 5 non-sales metrics to measure the performance of your blog

    WordCamp Europe 2021Speaker: Jessica Thiefels

    June 29, 2021 — Marketers and business owners continually report that their greatest content struggle is measuring success.

    That’s because organic content is a long-term strategy, someone may see your blog posts 4 or 5 times before filling out a form or converting. That doesn’t mean the content is any less valuable.

    The 5 non-sales metrics discussed here can be used to measure the success of blog and website content, even if you can’t directly attribute sales to content.

    When done right, content provides significant business value, you just have to know how to measure it.

  • Rob Taylor: Creating Content Plans – Developing and Executing Blog Campaigns

    WordCamp Jacksonville 2019Speaker: Rob Taylor

    December 1, 2020 — As creators and marketers, bloggers and website owners face challenges when it comes to creating content plans. Aligning on a scope of work to feature on a blog and set of social media channels can be equally frustrating to the client as well as the creator.
    -Creating Influencer Marketing Plans
    —Who is your target demographic?
    —Types of Influencer Marketing Content
    —-Blog Content
    —-Instagram Posts and Stories
    —-YouTube Videos
    —-Podcast Episodes
    Basics of determining an effective plan and creating a scope of work.

  • Andrea Zoellner: Next­Level Blogging: How to run your blog like a business

    WordCamp Seattle 2019Speaker: Andrea Zoellner

    April 2, 2020 — If you have a blog that is gaining traction or you want to launch one the right way, this talk is for you! We’ll share tips on how to build a blog that is prepared for success, including how to design your blog for viewer retention, how to boost your SEO, how to monetize your site, turn it into a business, and keep it fast and safe. Whether you’re trying to turn your hobby blog into a source of income or to use your blog to support a business you already have, it’s easier than ever to implement professional tools on your WordPress site.

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  • Jo Minney: Our Wild Journey Implementing A Headless WordPress Blog

    WordCamp Sydney 2019Speaker: Jo Minney

    March 23, 2020 — Several months ago we got REALLY EXCITED when we discovered that some industrious individuals had started implementing Gutenberg for other CMS & frameworks.

    Gutenberg for Laravel? Gutenberg for Drupal? Amazing!

    Then we tried it ourselves. And failed, miserably.

    Back to the drawing board – we needed a different way to integrate the shiny new block editor we’d already promised our favourite client with the mother of all websites.

    We’re talking a custom PHP website built on a highly complex custom enterprise CMS/ERP system developed over a 15 year period. No sweat.

    Fortunately for us, the latest craze in the WordPress development world – headless WordPress – came to the rescue!

    Find out about our journey as we share what we tried before landing on our final solution, what we ended up with, what we’d do differently next time and what our key takeaways from this wild adventure were!

  • Morgan Timm: Creating a Content Strategy for your Blog

    WordCamp Ann Arbor 2017Speaker: Morgan Timm

    March 19, 2020 — I’ll talk about how to create user avatars and use your analytics to decide what your audience responds to best, and how you can use that information to create content they love.

    A solid content strategy can be the difference between an online business that’s scraping by and a booming business.

  • Kate Toon – Why No One Is Reading Your Blog Posts (And How To Change That)

    WordCamp Sydney 2019Speaker: Kate Toon

    March 16, 2020 — Kate Toon is a writing entrepreneur, as well as a popular coach, speaker, author and podcaster. Her digital education businesses The Recipe for SEO Success and The Clever Copywriting School have helped more than 8000 small business owners grapple the Google beast and write better content.

    Nominated as SEMRush SEO Personality of the Year and AusPod’s Business Podcast of Year, 2 years running, Kate runs Australia’s only dedicated copywriting conference COPYCON. She presents at events around the world and runs several hugely successful Facebook groups.

    Author of the Amazon Best Seller Confessions of a Misfit Entrepreneur: How to succeed in business despite yourself, Kate lives on the Central Coast of Sydney City, where she loves wandering on the beach with her son and her CFO (Chief Furry Office-dog) Pomplemousse.

  • Daniel Ngala: Should I Start a Blog?

    WordCamp Mombasa 2019Speaker: Daniel Ngala

    January 24, 2020 — Should you start a blog? Ever thought about how much you can accomplish with a blog? You probably have had this idea for some time now. But what’s keeping you from getting started? In this session, Daniel will be sharing reasons you should start your own blog.

  • Sandeep Raman: Checklist to Keep Your Blog Healthy for Search Engine Ranking

    WordCamp Mumbai 2019Speaker: Sandeep Raman

    January 23, 2020 — Talk about the Checklist to Keep Your Blog Healthy for Search Engine Ranking by Sandeep Raman

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  • Mariana Salas Ruiz: ¿Cómo mejorar visualmente los artículos de blog?

    WordCamp Guadalajara 2019Speaker: Mariana Salas Ruiz

    November 8, 2019 — Al tener un Blog no sólo es escribir y publicar de manera constante, podemos aumentar nuestras visitas y ayudar a nuestros lectores a entender mejor y a seguir leyendo nuestros artículos si visualmente los hacemos más digeribles. En esta ponencia conocerán las maneras de estructurar un artículo de Blog utilizando herramientas que visualmente pueden hacerlo mucho más atractivo y cómo también puede aumentar que compartan el artículo.

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