The past week was a very eventful one for Group. 
We issued our 1Q19 financial results, with accompanying Excel support file with pro-forma quarterly historical P&L under new segmentation and with IFRS-16 adjustments. It aims to assist those modeling our company in smoothly transitioning to amended reporting structure, which we see as more reflective of our strategy, the way the business is managed and units’ interconnection within our eco-system. 

We published an updated presentation pack. It walks you through our eco-system and its various components, with disclosure around engagement of users across our platforms, growth trends, advertising model and related new initiatives including development of omnichannel reach, international ambitions around gaming, related pipeline, Hustle Castle case study around how we turn gaming investments into EBITDA as well as color around New Initiatives, including Delivery Club and Youla as well as minority investments like Citymobil. Going forward, we aim to update this pack on quarterly basis. 

We have also published our FY18 annual report and encourage you to go through it for a detailed rundown of Group’s strategy, corporate governance, risk management, along with detailed data around all our business verticals, together with operating and financial review. 

Along with the annual report, we published an accompanying FY18 summary video, which we would like to share with you below. We hope it gives you a good idea about what we are really about — about our customers and our employees, with all related efforts ultimately made in order to support our shareholders. 

For further information please contact: 

Tatiana Volochkovich
Phone: +7 495 725 6357 extension: 3434
Mobile: +7 905 594 6604
E-mail: [email protected] 

Olga Zyryaeva
Phone: +7 909 974 5996
E-mail: [email protected] 

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