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The official World Bank Twitter. Our mission is to end extreme poverty & promote shared prosperity. Check also: , & .

Washington, DC
Đã tham gia tháng 3 năm 2009


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    We are putting people and communities at the center of our support for climate action. Our Climate Briefs explain how we're helping build climate resilience in communities around the world.

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  2. A new report finds that fossil fuels are overvalued, while natural assets are undervalued. We urgently need measures—such as carbon prices—to make markets reflect the true cost of emissions and the real value of nature. Read more

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  3. It’s time for ! Here’s what you need to know about the global climate change summit taking place in Glasgow:

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  4. 216 million people could become climate migrants by 2050 -- but the scale of future climate migration depends on the world’s collective actions today. Blog by Juergen Voegele, VP for Sustainable Development:

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  5. is underway! Don’t miss our Climate Data series where experts present the key data that underpin the negotiations. Here's the 1st episode on how many people are vulnerable to climate change & the economic damages from these extreme events.

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  6. The World Bank today is the largest multilateral financier of climate action in developing countries. This includes support from , which serves the 74 most vulnerable countries. Here are ideas for action from young people across Africa.

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  7. Discover the World Bank Group’s new diagnostic tool designed to help countries develop strategies that integrate climate and development:

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    The Group goes to w/ a strong story to tell: 🟢>$26bn in climate financing in FY21 🟢Largest multilateral funder of climate investment in developing countries 🟢Target of 35% avrg climate fin support & at least 50% on adaptation over the next 5 yrs See more👇:

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    School curriculums can foster innovation and generate skills needed for green economy jobs while also promoting behavior change to curb effects of . With the right policies, people, countries and the planet can flourish.

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    NEWS: and to collaborate, alongside a unique global community of partners, to accelerate an equitable in emerging and developing economies to:

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    As climate takes center stage in Glasgow, learn more about how the Group is helping cities & countries find real solutions to tackle the climate crisis.

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  12. It’s time for ! Join us for two weeks of exciting discussions on climate solutions. Check out our program of events and tune in:

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    Integrating climate and development is a pillar of the World Bank Group’s new Climate Change Action Plan 2021–2025. To advance this, we have launched a new, core diagnostic tool: The Country Climate and Development Reports:

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  14. Under CCAP, we committed to increase our climate finance target to 35% of total commitments over next 5 years, align our financing flows w/ goals & achieve results that integrate climate & devt. 10 things about our work on climate:

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  15. In June 2021, the introduced the Climate Change Action Plan to: 🟢help reduce emissions 🟢support countries’ climate action 🟢promote transparency 🟢strengthen resilience to climate risks. Read more in the Annual Report 2021:

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  16. During we are coming to you LIVE from with an exclusive lineup of climate conversations on financing climate action, greening the recovery, the energy transition, and more. Tune in:

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  17. "This change is difficult, it is ambitious, but it is possible, and we know where to go. We have a strategy to achieve zero net emissions." Stéphane , Sr. Adviser. Watch our event:

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    I will travel next to Glasgow for the conference, at which I will update attendees on the Group’s actions on both climate mitigation & adaptation efforts. Read more about our efforts here: [3/3]

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  19. 🎧 : The new Group Climate Change Action Plan is a blueprint for climate action in developing countries that supports sustainable pathways out of the pandemic. Listen to World Bank expert Genevieve Connors to learn more.

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    I was pleased to speak & meet with leaders from around the world for productive discussions on debt & debt transparency, vaccine access & climate action. We have had good talks on how to advance recovery for the world’s poorest - but there remains much more to be done. [2/3]

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