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  6:30 p.m. ET
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  1. DISABLED ADULTS: With half a million autistic children estimated to reach adulthood by 2023, many turn to adult day care for help. But one center in Virginia is struggling to stay open because of COVID and other circumstances.

  2. ATLANTA CONTROVERSY: While many Atlanta Braves fans say their mascot and associated rituals like the tomahawk chop are meant to honor Native American traditions, some Americans still say they find the symbols offensive.

  3. COVID LATEST: With one in four new COVID cases being in children, Pfizer's vaccine for kids and teens could be approved this week.

  4. CLIMATE CRISIS: President Biden heads to Glasgow, Scotland, where he will be joining world leaders, diplomats and activists at a climate conference billed as a turning point in the crisis.

  5. G20 SUMMIT: President Biden marked the end of the Group of 20 conference Sunday in Rome, Italy, where world leaders struggled coming to a consensus on how to combat global warming.

  6. HALLOWEEN HISTORY: Ireland has long been the land of fairies and fairy tales, but shows us why it is also the home of Halloween.

  7. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 38 minutu

    JUST IN: White House press secretary Jen Psaki says she has COVID-19

  8. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 1 ordu
  9. Duela 1 ordu

    High school football players find refuge on the gridiron after wildfire: "It really felt like home when I didn't have a home"

  10. Duela 1 ordu

    Here's a look at the top stories coming up on the CBS Weekend News with

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    PUMPKIN CRUISER: A pumpkin decorated as a police vehicle was crowned the winner of a pumpkin-decorating contest at the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office.

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    After an 11-month deployment, these two little girls were surprised by their dad at home.

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    Hundreds of dogs and their owners got in the spooky spirit for an annual Halloween dog parade in New York City. Costumes ranged from a dinosaur to the Pope as the pups paraded for thousands of spectators.

  14. Duela 8 ordu

    The Dads on Duty at a Shreveport, Louisiana, high school may have inspired a movement after their story went viral last week. They tell that “nothing is the a good way” as dozens of schools now hope to replicate their success.

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    Pres. Biden's former ATF pick David Chipman: "The gun industry profits by gun violence itself"

  16. urr. 30

    HELPING HOMELESS VETS: An estimated 40,000 veterans are homeless across the U.S., with 10% residing in Los Angeles, California. Now, a new push in the city is helping move them from tents, into more tiny structures.

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    PORT PROBLEMS: Officials say companies will soon be fined for leaving cargo behind, as many ships remain jammed off the Los Angeles coastline. But residents worry their neighborhoods will now be used for storage.

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    COVID BATTLES: Protests ensued in New York and other cities across the U.S. over COVID mandates and vaccine requirements — leading to closings, unpaid leave and other problems.

  19. urr. 30

    Day one of the G20 Summit in Rome, Italy, included leaders from the world's 20 largest countries — who all endorsed a new 15% global minimum corporate tax, designed to prevent companies from moving abroad in search of the lowest rate.

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    EARLY TREAT: Neighbors in one Maryland community rallied together with candy and costumes to bring 6-year-old Kasey Zachmann a special Halloween after she was diagnosed with brain cancer.


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