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Code Quality and Best Practices /

Write environment-specific code

Sometimes you may want to conditionally run code, or set configurations such as API keys or endpoints, depending on whether your application is currently running in production, a staging site, or a local development environment.

We provide the VIP_GO_APP_ENVIRONMENT constant, which is populated with the name of the environment. This allows you to conditionally load code on a particular environment, or to avoid a particular environment.

Here’s an example of preventing code from running on production.

$disallowed_debug_envs = array(
if ( ! in_array( VIP_GO_APP_ENVIRONMENT, $disallowed_debug_envs, true ) ) {
    error_log( 'Some debugging information can go here and will never run on production or pre-production' );

Alternatively, you can have code which only runs on production:

if ( 'production' === VIP_GO_APP_ENVIRONMENT ) {
    // This code only runs on production, perhaps 
    // configuration for a live service
} else {
    // This code runs everywhere except production

For your local development environment, you may wish to set the VIP_GO_APP_ENVIRONMENT constant in wp-config.php. If the VIP_GO_APP_ENVIRONMENT constant is not set explicitly, the value will default to false. The value of VIP_GO_APP_ENVIRONMENT matches that in the site domain and also the branch tracked by that environment. For example, the environment tracks the develop branch in git and has the environment name develop, therefore VIP_GO_APP_ENVIRONMENT contains the string develop.

Last updated: April 09, 2021