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VIP Platform

The VIP Platform (also referred to in our documentation as VIP Go) has container-based infrastructure that allows clients to run core WordPress with custom themes and plugins on Automattic’s world-class hardware and network infrastructure.

On our platform, the codebase consists of core WordPress, a handful of platform-specific mu-plugins, and the client’s custom code. Media is served from the VIP Files System, a globally distributed object store, and sites are cached on the edge with Varnish. VIP looks after hourly platform backups and 24/7 monitoring.

VIP infrastructure diagram
An overview of the VIP infrastructure

While your site is in development, it will use a convenience domain ending in The production environment tracks the master branch of the connected GitHub repository, which auto-deploys. VIP can also set up child environments for development purposes, which will track a specific branch in the same repo. We also encourage developing locally.

The VIP Platform supports both single-site and multisite installations of WordPress.

Last updated: July 30, 2021