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VIP Dashboard /

Audit Log

The Audit Log panel provides visibility into what is happening in an organization. An audit trail of all application management actions allows compliance with internal and external regulatory standards, and provides insight for debugging, security, and incident investigation. 

Audit Logs are immutable and the reported data is retained for the lifetime of each customer.

The Audit Log panel is located in the Organization view of the VIP Dashboard.


To access the Audit Log panel a user’s Org role must be set to “Member” or higher.

Screenshot of the Audit Log panel and an example of logged events

Structure of logged events

All recorded events display the following information:

Date & TimeWhen the event happened. Dates & times are shown in the local timezone of the person who is viewing the audit log screen. Hover over the time to see time in UTC.Example:
ActorThe user who performed the event. This will be a user within the organization, a VIP Support user (denoted by a “(VIP)” after their name), or an automation bot (Platform Bot).Example:
John Newton
DescriptionA sentence describing the event.Example:
Added domain
TargetWhat was affected by the event. An environment, a user, or the organization.Example:
A screenshot of the example data from the table above as it would appear in the Audit Log panel as a logged event.

Other relevant contextual information may be shown with specific events.

Types of logged events

All events for an environment listed below are reported in the Audit Log.


  • A domain is added 
  • A domain is deleted
  • A domain is set as primary
  • A domain is updated

TLS/SSL Certificates

  • Let’s Encrypt certificates are enabled on a domain
  • Let’s Encrypt certificates are disabled on a domain
  • Let’s Encrypt configuration is changed
  • A certificate is added
  • A certificate is activated for a domain
  • A certificate is deactivated for a domain
  • A certificate is updated
  • A certificate is deleted


  • A backup started
  • A backup restore was requested


  • An SQL import was requested
  • A media import was requested

Data sync

  • A data sync was queued

Basic auth

  • Basic Auth has been enabled
  • Basic Auth has been disabled 
  • A Basic Auth username/password combination has been added
  • A Basic Auth username/password combination has been removed
  • A Basic Auth username/password combination has been updated

IP Allow list

  • IP Allow list functionality has been enabled
  • IP Allow list functionality has been disabled 
  • An IP or CIDR range has been added
  • An IP or CIDR range has been removed
  • The list of IPs and CIDR ranges has been updated

Log shipping

  • A log shipping configuration has been created
  • A log shipping configuration has been updated
  • A log shipping configuration has been deleted
  • A log shipping configuration has been enabled
  • A log shipping configuration has been disabled

WP-CLI commands

  • A WP-CLI command has been run using the VIP-CLI

New Relic

  • A New Relic license key is added
  • A New Relic license key is updated
  • A New Relic license key is removed

GitHub repository

  • GitHub webhook is configured
  • The associated GitHub repository or branch is updated
  • GitHub deploy key added
  • GitHub deploy key updated
  • GitHub deploy key deleted

Application and environment lifecycle

  • Application created
  • Application launched
  • Application retired
  • Environment created
  • Environment retired

Software upgrades

  • WordPress upgrade
  • PHP upgrade (minor and major version only)
  • Node upgrade

User management

  • A user creates an invitation
  • A user accepts an invitation
  • A user’s role is changed
  • A VIP Support User is created

Environment Variables

  • An environment variable is added
  • An environment variable is updated
  • An environment variable is deleted

Last updated: November 17, 2021