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Install a Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate

Let’s Encrypt TLS certificates are available by default for all domains added to the VIP Dashboard.


Users must have access to the VIP Dashboard to issue TLS certificates for a domain.

  1. Navigate to the VIP Dashboard and select the “Domains” panel option at the left.
  2. Add the domain if it does not yet appear in the Domains list.
  3. A button labeled “Install Certificate” will be displayed to the right of newly added domains in the Domains panel.
  4. Select the “Install Certificate” button to access and select the “Let’s Encrypt” option in the dropdown.
The Let’s Encrypt TLS option can be found in the Domains panel under the “Install Certificate” dropdown.
  1. A confirmation message will appear at the bottom of the dashboard screen when the Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate has been installed.

Last updated: October 20, 2021