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Technical References

VIP File System /

Images on the VIP Platform

  • The default maximum upload size for media files on the VIP Platform is 1GB. For specific use cases it is possible to upload a file size of up to 2GB, but this capability must be requested from VIP Support.
  • The VIP File System serves image files relative to the home_url of the site, so images will be on the same domain as a site. This is unlike Photon, which serves files through a subdomain of (such as
  • The VIP Platform always has access to all images, so the cache can be updated without a request being made, which is unlike Photon.
  • The VIP Platform supports HTTPS images.
  • It is advised not to include intermediate images when preparing content for importing media to an application. This can reduce the size of the exported content (up to 95% of the size can be saved), and increase the speed of the import.
  • Image metadata is not stripped by default, but logic can be added to strip image metadata on upload.
  • The VIP Platform automatically converts and serves all images as next-gen formats, including *.webp files, to compatible browsers. Conversely, uploaded *.webp files are automatically converted and served as *.jpg files to browsers that are not compatible with *.webp. As a result, uploading *.webp files is not necessary, nor is explicitly referencing them in a theme.

Last updated: September 23, 2021