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Using Teamwork Projects

Many sites launching with VIP will be set up with an associated project in Teamwork Projects. Teamwork is a collaborative project management tool for clients and the VIP team to outline the steps leading to a site’s launch, assign tasks, and monitor progress. Teamwork is a complement to the support already provided by the VIP team in Zendesk.

This article walks through the steps to log into Teamwork, view projects, and manage tasks.

Getting access

After the kickoff call, a Launch Technical Account Manager (TAM) will set up the project and invite the client to it. This triggers an invitation email that contains a link to access the project:

Teamwork Projects welcome email

Please let us know if the invitation isn’t received as expected.

Viewing and interacting with a project

Once logged in to Teamwork, a dashboard will appear with a list of all accessible projects in the left-hand sidebar:

The Teamwork Projects Dashboard

Clicking into any project will display tabs for its details: Overview, Tasks, Milestones, Files, Notebooks, and Links.

Teamwork Projects Overview tab


The project’s dashboard, showing the status of tasks and milestones at a glance.


Individual tasks that need to be completed for a launch. Tasks are grouped into task lists, and will be assigned to the person responsible for completing them. Clicking on a task will open a more detailed view, and it’s possible to add comments and attach files to a task.

Some tasks will be assigned to the client, and these can be checked off once complete. If any updates to a task should arise add a comment to the task and input the project’s Launch TAM in the Who should be notified? field.


The TAM will have assigned dates to the various milestones associated with the project. These usually cover site setup, import, code review, and launch. This tab is helpful for seeing the expected timeline for a project’s milestone.

If any updates to milestones should arise, use your mouse to hover over the milestone and click on Add a comment. When adding an update via a comment, add the project’s Launch TAM in the Who should be notified? field.


The messages feature allows the client to share updates on project tasks and milestones. Please ensure that the project’s Launch TAM is included in the “Who should be notified” field when utilizing this feature for a timely response. Note that this is not intended for direct technical support and the project’s Launch TAM will ask you to submit any support requests/questions to Zendesk.


If there are any files to share with the client (for instance, a copy of the slide deck used in the kickoff call), the project’s Launch TAM will upload those here.


This tab contains a notebook with an overview of your project.

Some quick links to our documentation will be in this tab, as well as any other links the Launch TAM shares.


This section is an overview of all comments made on the project.


VIP recommends turning on the Alert me when I forget to notify people when I comment? alert. Turn this on by clicking on the profile image on the top right and navigating to Edit My Details and then Preferences. Toggle on all options that will assist with your workflow.

Getting help

Please note that a Teamwork project is not a substitute for VIP’s support ticket system. Clients should continue to open support tickets for technical questions and issues encountered while using the platform.

More on accessing VIP support.

Last updated: May 16, 2021