Changes to 511

MTC has decided that it is time for 511 to scale back some of its web features and focus on its strength as a regional data provider. The private sector has increasingly launched many great tools that offer similar services to 511. As part of MTC’s commitment to ensure that its 511 program remains efficient, effective, and relevant, 511 discontinued some web features.

What 511 Web Features Went Away? no longer provides the following:

  • Google trip planner (Click Here for alternative options),
  • Real-time transit departure times, (NOTE: This feature remains available on the 511 Phone service)
  • Transit agency schedules,
  • Transit Tracker, and
  • Real-time parking information. (NOTE: This feature is also discontinued from the 511 Phone service)

Why Did 511 Web Features Go Away?

MTC has always been, and will continue to be, committed to providing a flexible 511 system that evolves with changes in technology as well as user needs and expectations.

Usage trends and recent surveys show that Bay Area travelers are turning to a variety of sources to get around. Depending on their travel needs, they are increasingly using transit agency or private sector websites and apps for trip planning, real-time transit information, and transit schedules.

What Stayed on

511 continues to provide core elements of the website, including the following:

  • Traveler alerts
  • An interactive map, with traffic, transit, carpool, and biking information layers,
  • Consolidated tweets from 511 and partner agencies, and
  • Resources for traffic, transit, paratransit, RTC discount card, carpool, vanpool, bicycling, express lanes, and park ‘n ride lots.

511 is also focusing on its strengths as a regional data provider to support and collaborate with the innovative work being done by the private sector. All of 511’s data is available free of charge on

What are Some Other Options?

Trip Planner

Easy-to-use trip planning tools are widely available online and through mobile applications.

Here are some alternative websites for trip planning:

Here are some alternative apps for trip planning:

Go to our Mobile Apps & Websites pages to find some alternatives.

Real-Time Departure Information

Travelers can use a variety of the many publicly available apps that deliver transit departure times. Visit our Mobile Apps page for a few options. And, real-time transit departure information continues to be available on the 511 phone.

Transit Agency Schedules

Bay Area transit agencies provide up-to-date transit schedules and fares information on their websites.

Real-Time Parking Information

Drivers can acquire parking information from smartphone apps or from numerous websites. Find a selection of options on our Mobile Apps & Websites pages.

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