WordPress events in Österreich

2021-11-10 (Wednesday)
November Meetup: How Wordpress' REST API brings more flexibility and comfort

Community: WordPress Vienna

2021-11-10 18:30

Online event

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Signed up 9.

Joint meetup with: WP-Network Austria

★ Andrea* Ida Malkah Klaura
Let them REST! How Wordpress' REST API brings us more flexibility and comfort[*1].

🪦 Some say that the REST API is the future of Wordpress. In this talk I would like to focus on the present. The REST API already is an integral and significant part of Wordpress. We'll start with a short primer on how to use it and some examples of what we can do with it. Then we'll dig into how to extend the REST API through your own plugins with your own endpoints. I will close with some important points to consider when you start working and extending the API.

The talk assumes a basic understanding of HTTP request methods [*2] and the JSON format [*3]. But you do not need to be familiar with the REST architectural style. In fact the talk does not even aim for complete RESTfulness. Rather it should provide some examples and awaken your curiousity to try it out yourself.


[*1] Whether the lives of users, developers and operators are really becoming more comfy through increased reliance on the REST API is a matter of perspectives and ongoing debates. But undoubtedly they become more RESTful.

[*2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol

[*3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON


★ Host: Martin Sternsberger

🕡 18:30
👉🏻 https://zoom.us/j/908664707


2021-12-08 (Wednesday)
December: 🦻🏻Zugang für alle: Barrierefreie WordPress-Websites (in german)

Community: WordPress Vienna

2021-12-08 18:30

Online event

▶ Watch Online

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Signed up 6.

Joint meetup with: WP-Network Austria
Please register (free). Thank you!

★ Nadine Manja Kummer
Zugang für alle: Barrierefreie Websites

🦻🏻 Wir alle kennen Barrierefreiheit im klassischen Sinne. Doch in einer modernen Gesellschaft, wie der unseren, können digitale Barrieren ein ebenso großes Hindernis darstellen.

Deshalb hat Nadine sich in ihre Masterarbeit genauer mit der Barrierefreiheit der Websites österreichischer Tageszeitungen für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen auseinandergesetzt. Welchen Einfluss kann der erschwerte Zugang zu Information haben? Und vor allem: wie kann eine gut umgesetzte Barrierefreiheit im Internet aussehen?

★ Host: Martin Sternsberger

🕡 18:30
👉🏻 https://zoom.us/j/908664707


Herzlichen Dank unseren Sponsoren:

💛 mollie - Europas meist geliebter Zahlungsmittelanbieter, auch für WooCommerce https://www.mollie.com/

🧡 NEVE - Superschnelles Theme für Agenturen, vorbereitet für WooCommerce & Gutenberg https://themeisle.com/themes/neve/

💙 Sendinblue - Europas führende All-in-One Sales- und Marketing-Plattform https://www.sendinblue.com/

💜 KINSTA - Premium WordPress-Hosting für jede:n, klein oder groß https://kinsta.com

2022-01-12 (Wednesday)
January Meetup: WordPress-Hosting and Scaling

Community: WordPress Vienna

2022-01-12 18:30

Online event

▶ Watch Online

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Signed up 4.

Joint meetup with: WP-Network Austria
Please register (free). Thank you!

★ Marvin Langer
Highly scalable WordPress in AWS

🌏 If you have demanding requirements regarding availability and performance for your WordPress projects, a simple single server setup is often not sufficient. In this talk Marvin Langer from toscom presents a highly scalable setup in Amazon Web Service (AWS). Besides the setup itself pros and cons of auto-scaling setups in AWS will be discusses, as well as their possible limitations.

★ Host: Martin Sternsberger

🕡 18:30
👉🏻 https://zoom.us/j/908664707


Herzlichen Dank unseren Sponsoren:

💛 mollie - Europas meist geliebter Zahlungsmittelanbieter, auch für WooCommerce https://www.mollie.com/

💜 KINSTA - Premium WordPress-Hosting für jede:n, klein oder groß https://kinsta.com

2022-02-09 (Wednesday)
February Meetup: Speakers wanted

Community: WordPress Vienna

2022-02-09 18:30

Online event

▶ Watch Online

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Signed up 2.

We are looking for topics and speakers for this event. Please, send a message to [masked] if you would like to hold a presentation. Thank you!